Chapter 6: The Blue Eyed Demon

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Kirito's POV~
I waited for Y/n on floor 74. She made me party with her by pointing her rapier at my throat, and to be honest, I don't really mind. What I DO mind, is how late she is.
Suddenly, a figure materialized, and fell on top of me.
Y/n then threw me off. I realized that I was touching her breast. Now I'm really starting to rethink my life choices.
Another figure materialized, and Y/n hid behind me. I remember him. He was Y/n's bodyguard.
"Y/n-sama, please return to guild headquarters. It is my duty as your bodyguard to protect you."
"Your job doesn't include tailing me from my house you freaking idiot!"
"Yes it does. Now, come with me."
Y/n was dragged away. She shot me a look, and so I intervened.
"Sorry, but I'm borrowing your Prime Vice Commander for the day."
"Brat." He found away Y/n's arm. "Do you know who I am? I'm a member of the glorious Knights of the Blood Oath!"
"A beater like you can't protect her!"
"I'm sure he can." Y/n had this teasing smile on her face. "In fact, he's 10 levels above you."
"*Curse words that would get me in trouble* Tch. We'll see about that, beater..."
He manipulated his menu.
"Sieg invites you to a duel. Would you like to accept?"
I looked at Y/n. She nodded.
"I'll tell the commander myself."
And so I pressed the accept button, and chose "First Hit Mode".
As the countdown begun, we readied our weapons. A crowd was watching too.
Sieg pointed his two handed sword at me. "Watch me, Y/n-sama! I'll show you that I'm the only one suitable to protecting you."
When the countdown ended, we both charged. He used a two handed sword skill, <Avalanche>. He had this look of glee in his face. I gripped my sword and countered it.
As I got up, his sword broke in half. "Impossible..."
I put away my sword. "If you want to try again with another weapon, I'd be more than happy to take you on. But wasn't that enough?"
He stayed silent. I think he was manipulating his menu, but he turned his back on me.
Then, he charged with a dagger. I got ready to take my sword out, but a figure stood in front of me and countered the attack. The dagger went flying.
Y/n looked at him coldly.
"Y/n-sama he must have cheated somehow! You saw how he broke my sword!"
"Or, your skills simply need work. Sieg, you have broken the code of chivalry. As punishment, I am demoting you from your position as my bodyguard. You are to return to guild headquarters and await further orders. I'm sure you wouldn't mind, you seem to love the place."
"Y/n-sama! That's just uncalled for..."
Y/n grabbed the hilt of her rapier. And stabbed him.
He went flying backwards, not a lot though.
"We're not dueling, and his is a safe zone, so I can't take out your HP. Consider this a warning and yourself lucky that I haven't kicked you out of the guild."
"...Teleport, Granzam."
And with that, he disappeared. Y/n started to sway her body.
I caught her. " You okay?"
"Yeah. It just takes energy to keep up a front like that."
"Are you sure you're okay?"
"Yes. Now then, dungeon time."

Y/n is really good, I'll give her that. She was able to use high difficulty skills like <Star Splash>, so I guess she really is really good.
"I guess it really is useful to have a pro with you..."
"Kirito, switch!"
She stunned her opponent, which gave me the gap I needed. I took it out with <Vertical Square>.
"I guess that leaves the boss room then."
"Yeah. Get your crystal ready, I'll open the door."
I opened the boss room door, and we cautiously walked inside.
Then, this huge minotaur appeared. Beside it's five health bars, it's name, "The Gleam Eyes", was there.
We froze, then we ran like nobody else.
We sat down at a safe zone inside the dungeon.
"That boss seems tough."
"Yeah. We'll need at least ten tanks and shield users, not to mention to keep switching out."
"A shield, huh."
"I noticed this a long time ago, but I noticed you don't use a shield. And you're not speed based, like me, so what reason is there for a one handed swordsman to not use a shield?"
I fumbled my answer. So darn observant.
"Ah well, I'll leave it. It's rude to pry."
"Thanks. That really simplifies things."
"Anyway, since we're here, why don't we have lunch?"
"You made it?"
She nodded and took it a basket. She handed me a sandwich, which I took a bite out of and loved.
"You know, I wonder how you make food this good."
"Tell that to a year's worth of research with Asuna."
"Wow. I never really paid attention to the non combat skills."
"I told you before, it's the details that count. For example, this is a mixture of Masura leaves, Telegris juice and Felemine paste."
She poured a few drops into my hand, and I tasted it.
"Wow, this tastes, exactly like soy sauce!"
"Originally it tasted more like vinegar until you add the paste."
"You-" I was about to say something to her when we heard voices and footsteps. We stood up and reached for our weapons.
"Come on, just a bit further, there's a safe zone!"
"That sounds like-"
And then, Klein appeared around the corner, along with his guild mates. He stopped at the sight of me and Y/n.
"Hey Kirito! Wait, what's a solo player like you partying up with-...Her."
"We're in a party, for you information. My name is Y/n."
I hit him before he could continue.
"Ow man, what for?"
"Guys! Listen."
We did as Y/n said, and sure enough, another set of footsteps was approaching us.
We all reached for our weapons, just to see...ALS members.
"At ease." This apparent leader walked toward us.
"You two. Have you been exploring the area up ahead?"
"Hand over all the map data you have."
"Man, you are messed up-"
"It's fine-"
I was about to give it to him Y/n held my hand in place. She blushed a bit, and so did I. She then let go.
"Am I to assume that you know who I am?"
The guy looked at Y/n carefully. "With that uniform, that rapier, coupled with your looks, I'd say KoB Prime Vice Commander."
"Correct. Now then, if I were to have information, shouldn't I give it to my guild first, rather than you guys?"
"You-...Yes, but, this guy isn't part of your guild, right?"
"He's in a party with me. I'd like to assume he is one, temporarily."
He stayed silent, then grabbed Y/n by the hem of her uniform.
"My name is Corvatz, a high ranking general in the ALS! I will not bend to such petty words!"
"Petty?" Y/n stared at him coldly. "If you hurt me, or kill me even, then you'd be turning the whole KoB against you, and even worse, your guild. Can you deal with that?"
I...Didn't really look because her top is off shoulder and therefore, her cleavage was exposed when the general did that.
I sighed. "Let her go. I'll give you the data."
"Wait, you're being way to nice to him, man..."
"It's fine. I was planning to go public with anyway."
Y/n dusted herself off. "Still, possessive players like him should get it second."
"We share our resources with civilian players all the time, and we don't charge a thing for it!" Corvatz started shouting. "We maintain order in the chaos of battle! Which is why you SHOULD comply to our requests-"
"I never got a share." Y/n crossed her arms. "Since I never got a share, shouldn't you give me something in return for info?"
"You're not the one giving it, b*tch."
Y/n shook her head. "What language. In the KoB, you would have been kicked out for disrespecting a Vice Commander." She then looked at me and yawned. "I'm tired Kirito. Come on, give it to him. Then we'll just give it to the public right afterwards. I'm beat."
I smiled. I pressed the send button. Then those people just left. But not before...
"Hey buddy, I wouldn't go into the boss room if I were you. The boss is no easy one, and you can't beat for your men are half dead! Look at them! They're exhausted!"
"My men are tougher than that! On your feet, move!"
Y/n looked at me, pulling off her "tired and bored" mask. "Should we be worried...?"
So we hunted monsters with Klein's guild for a while until...
"The boss room!"
So we all rushed to the boss room, just to see Corvatz land in front of us.
"I can't believe it..."
And he burst into polygons of light.
Y/n covered her mouth. Then she started shaking as she reached for her rapier.
"Y/n!" I chased after her.
Y/n sprinted, and attacked the boss with three stabs. But she didn't have enough time to land. The boss threw her across the room.
I stood in front of her, and deflected the strike.
Darn it. If I don't use it we're doomed.
"Y/n! Klein! Keep it off me for 10 seconds!"
Klein acted, but Y/n stood rooted to the spot near the entrance.

Your POV~ (Yes, finally.)
I stood rooted to the spot. I don't know why. My brain is telling my legs to move, but they just didn't. I stood rooted to the spot.
I saw Klein attacking the boss, then Kirito...Using two swords? Does this mean he has a unique skill like me?
Kirito started attacking the boss with rapid slashes, but I knew it wasn't enough. Don't ask me how, it was a gut feeling. Trembling, I accessed my menu, and equipped my unique skill — <Glory Judge>. With it, I could use self created skills up to 44 hits. And I can also nullify all effects as long as my health doesn't go down.
And, as the dance of blue and white light ended, I charged towards the boss.

Kirito's POV~
I just finished using the 16 hit skill, <Starburst Stream>. But, more than half of the boss's health was still there. Just as I closed my eyes and waited for impact, it never came. I opened my eyes to see a violet streak move pass me. Y/n.
She stabbed the boss over and over again, faster than anything I've ever seen. The boss's health went down rapidly, and within seconds, the boss had died.
Amongst the polygons of light, Y/n started falling. Not in the usual way. She didn't even have a grip on her rapier.
I sprinted towards her. If she hits the ground she might die. That thought ran through my mind as I look at our health bars. I caught her just before she hit the ground. A clanging of metal was heard.
"Hey, Y/n! Y/n!"
I shook her and called her name.

Your POV~
Am I...Dead? I didn't know where I was looking, or whether I was looking at all. All I could see was black...And endless black void. My face felt cold. But then, I felt a warm drop of water on my face. Then I heard someone calling my name.
I opened my eyes a little bit. I saw Kirito, with shadow covering his eyes.
I laughed a little. "Baka, I'll really die if you keep hugging me so hard."
He looked at me in shock. I got up and smiled back.
"Hey Kirito? I'm taking a break from my guild. To party with you."
"Wait, you can just do that?"
"Why not? We don't have leveling quotas."
"Y-Yeah, sure."
I look around, just to realize that we were the only ones in the room. "Where's Klein and the others? And...Do you know how many died?"
"Corvatz and two of his men died. Klein is waiting for us at the dungeon entrance. He sent his guild away."
"We haven't lost someone in a boss fight...Since Floor 67..."
"That's why we have to work harder."
And we went out of the dungeon together.

(Time skip, I'm lazy, and I don't know what I'm doing)

Kirito's POV~
I've been taking refuge at Agil's place every since the boss fight" My house got ransacked. Y/n told me hers wasn't due to the Selmburg security mechanics. I sighed.
"I know people tend to stretch the truth but this is crazy..."
"Why not answer their questions man? Just let me handle the ticket sells..."
"You wish!" I was about to throw a teacup at him when the door opened to reveal Y/n. She was out of breath.
"Kirito, we have a problem that's bigger than the paparazzi outside."

Your POV~
"I would like to a take a break from the guild."
"You should know that unless you have a good reason, Y/n, you can't do that."
I looked at Heathcliff.
"I've been heavily participating in activities for the guild for the past month. Surely, a break is a little thing to ask."
"No, Y/n. I'm asking the reason."
I stared at Heathcliff. And I had this really bad feeling, but I still told him anyway.
"I want to party up with a solo player named Kirito."
And I regretted that decision.
"Tell him, to come with you to see me. Dismissed."

~End of flashback~

"I don't have a problem with that. I feel like the people would be worse."
"I prepared for that." I took out a teleport crystal.
"See you later, Agil."
"Yeah. Take care."
I looked at Kirito. "Teleport, Granzam!"
And as the huge fortress came into view, my breathing also sharpened.

Author: Look I tried to make this longer, okay?
You: Yeah...That should compensate for short chapters.
Author: I'm not a good writer! Look, I'll admit that.
Kirito: Still...
Author: Oh and Y/n? Just call me Dreamer from now on.

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