You are memory

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I reached 10k reads few days ago so I wanted to thank you in this chapter but when I woke up today I saw number 11, so THANK YOU SO MUCH, IT MEANS WORLD TO ME❤️

You were looking on his body, what was motionless lying on the ground.

,,No.." you whispered with tears rolling down your cheeks.

He was gone.

He was really gone.

You watched as his body slowly melted into the puddle of ink. The only thing left was the arrow and his heart.

Alice came to you and laid her bow on the ground.

,,I'll take this." she smiled, taking Bendy's heart into her hand. ,,The perfect thing for my collection."

,,You fucking monster!" you screamed and were about to punch Alice in the face, but the man in the mask came just in time, holding you with his strong hands and keeping you in place.

,,Let me go!" you screamed, trying to get out of his grip. But he was too strong.

,,You know, (Y/N).. some people are just not meant to be heroes," she said coldly. ,,And you're one of them."

That hit you hard. She was right.

Wasn't she?

,,You are next as soon as I'm finished with your sister. Finding her will not be difficult when I already know where she is hiding-"

,,Don't you dare to touch her!" you shouted with courage in your voice. Probably the last one you have left.

,,You are the one saying this?" she laughed. ,,Oh, darling. I'd love to kill you right here and finally get rid of you, but I'd shorten you for fun. I want to see the pain in your eyes when I take the last drop of her life...slowly and painfully."

,,How can you be so heartless and cruel.."

,,Like this. Thank you." she smiled. Then she looked over at Sammy. ,,Take her to my nest and tie her to the table. And also make place for her 'sissy'."

Sammy nodded and turned. Before you left the room, you took a last look at the woman with two faces.

,,How can you live with yourself..." you whispered, turning away.

You and Sammy boarded the boat and sailed back through the ink river. You didn't think of escaping, you knew you would stand no chance, even from behind the mask you could feel the man's gaze locked on you.

,,Maybe she won't kill you." he said suddenly. You looked at him with a confused expression.


,,I said she may not kill you," the man replied. ,,I can take care of it."

,,I don't understand what you mean."

,,Oh, you do." he smirked. The boat lightly struck the shore that was behind you and stopped, but Sammy didn't move, he just kept staring at you, and you found it very uncomfortable.

,,You know," he began. ,,Since you've come to the studio, I have had such a strange feeling that I might want to have a closer relationship with you."

,,You broke into my house, kidnapped me and wanted to sacrifice me to Bendy." you said, rolling your eyes.

,,I was hoping my Lord would spare you."

Ink Bendy x Reader - Till Ink Do Us PartWhere stories live. Discover now