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𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙀𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩:

I stood outside the drama room with Ashlyn, Seb, Big Red and a few of the other cast members as we waited Natalie Bagley to find her Hamster. Or her 'emotional support system' as she called it. I was listening to some music and texting Paige who was currently suffering in Biology.

"Hey um, is the door locked or something?" Nini asked. I looked up from my phone and pulled one of my earphones out to listen. "Why can't we get in?"

"Oh um, Natalie Bagley's missing her emotional support system hamster...he got loose. Carlos and Gina are helping her find her-him-it..." Ashlyn explained.

A loud scream made everyone jump, and clearly Natalie had either found her hamster alive or...dead...

"I think they found it." Ashlyn said.

Nini and EJ continued to argue which I went back to ignoring, meanwhile the door burst open and Natalie stormed out, followed by Carlos.

"I need a moment." She said, carrying a small yellow box.

"Is he dead?" Ashlyn asked Carlos.

"No. Now she thinks he's in her gym locker."

"Why the screaming?" I asked.

"That was me. She stepped on my toe." Carlos replied. "We're ready to begin, people."

I sighed, exiting out of the music app, and wrapping my earphones around my phone.

"Ricky's running late." I heard Carlos say.

I wonder why. Hopefully he's okay.

"Who cares." EJ muttered.

"Um, you might considering you're his understudy. We're blocking the Troy and Gabriella duet. You're on lovers."

I walked inside and dumped my bag on top of the rack, before taking a seat next to Big Red.


"Can I get you to move a little closer to each other?" Miss Jen asked Nini and EJ who were standing on opposite sides of the stage. Nini moved about an inch and I had to resist laughing.

"Little more."

They moved a little bit closer this time. "Come on guys, we're blocking this as a love story, not a SARS epidemic."

"I think that chair was over there." Carlos interjected.

"Oh, I can move it over in the scene." Nini said.

"Feels awkward, maybe just let Sammy and Big Red handle moving the props Nini." Miss Jen said.

Please don't bring me into this...

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