14. Someone I Drifted Away From

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  • Dedicated to those of us who have lost a friend

October 18, 2012

Dear Shelly, 

We used to be close friends back in elementary school, remember? We shared an interest in the Warriors series, and reenacted the clans near the school garden with Kemy and Sidney, I think. Remember those times?

Now, after two years, I see you again because we go to the same high school. Except now, we almost never speak. I wish we could, but we don't share any common interests or classes. You also seem different, more...unapproachable. I probably seem different, too. I know I've changed since 6th grade. Change is inevitable, isn't it?

When I saw you at orientation, I thought we could go back to be being friends. I didn't know anyone else except you. However, it seems that you don't feel the same way. 

Your friend,


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