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helloooooooooooooo how u doin. anyway since Christmas and all that stuff pasted I thought y not do a smut. WHY idk ok so don't ask any way here we go

"Slow the fuck down", your best friend scolds you with her eyebrows furrowed in confusion, watching you empty the cup she had just handed you with concern written all over her pretty face yet you couldn't care less. The way the alcohol is slowly finding its way into your blood system calms you down, helps you losen up a little but most of all — it makes you forget. Even if it's just for a few minutes, you're grateful for the beautiful buzz spreading inside of your body, making it a lot easier for you to cope with the chaos in your head. Usually it's your boyfriend of two years who helps you get out of your head whenever things become too much; no matter what it is, Seonghwa is always the one to be there for you through it all. However, this time that's not the case because for once, that exact boyfriend happens to be the reason for your shitty mood. "Enough", Yerim says, her hand reaching for the drink in your hand before you get the chance to refill it, "I don't know what the actual fuck is going on but that's enough alcohol for the next — two hours", she adds and starts shaking her head with a sigh. Her eyes roam your face attentively, trying to find the answers to her questions in the sadness of your eyes or the tiredness of your usually so lively features, yet nothing. You take a deep breath, the thoughts in your head dying down one by one as your body starts processing the alcohol and even though you feel a little lighter, the burden on your chest still makes breathing a lot harder than usual. "Seonghwa", you sigh, tears of frustration and anger pricking at the corners of your eyes so easily, it's almost pathetic, "he's just so dumb, I'm tired", you add, eliciting a soft chuckle from your best friend and even though you're meant to be angry, you can't help but join her; your lips stretching into tiny smile almost automatically. "Alright, girl, now tell me what happened so I can control you and your alcohol consumption depending on the seriousness of the situation", Yerim replies and just when your head processes her question, you furrow your brows in annoyance and roll your eyes.Just thinking about the ridiculous reason behind your fight makes your blood boil; his words echoing in your head like a mantra and at this point you can't hide how much his behavior has ruined your mood. In those two years of your relationship with your childhood best friend, you've only been arguing over two things repeatedly. Unjustified jealousy and moving in together. After being friends your whole life and having to watch the other fall for other people without knowing each other's true feelings, the fear of losing one another again is only understandable. There have been long, partly hurtful arguments about friends and classmates who tend to be a little more flirty yet every single time you managed to talk it out, make love afterwards and get over it rather quickly. But not this time. The argument about a certain blonde Australian from your class has been going on for almost a whole week, the worst part about it being the fact that you have to work on a project with the male and your boyfriend is apparently having none of it. No matter how many times you've assured him that Felix is nothing but a classmate to you — and definitely not a friend — he seems to be obsessed with the idea about your fellow student having some kind of interest in you and you've had enough of his childish behavior. At the age of fifteen, you would have dealt with it in a different way but knowing yourself and Seonghwa, you're sure this is just about his pride and nothing else. Of course, you being the grown woman you are, you decided to voice your thoughts to your boyfriend and that's where it all escalated. Seonghwa had come to your apartment in order to pick you up because after all his frat is throwing one of their famous parties and even though you don't really like the people, you enjoy the atmosphere and being with your boyfriend after an exhausting week. On his way to you he must have found out about Felix attending the party as well and the thought of his "biggest rival" being at his house with the intention of taking his girl, he just lost it. And so did you. After almost ten minutes of just yelling at each other, accusations and hurtful words flying through the room like it's nothing, you finally got yourself to grab your bag, swallow down the tears and storm out of your own room, leaving Seonghwa there without looking at him again. And that's how you found yourself at the party which happens to be the reason for one of the biggest fights you've ever had with your boyfriend, trying to drink away the worries and problems without breaking down completely in the middle of the kitchen."Babe", Yerim begins and takes a deep breath, her pretty eyes focusing yours so easily and you can tell by the way her smile slowly disappears, that she's going to say something which might not make you happier, "Seonghwa's behavior isn't right, I'm not even going to deny it but he's — he's right about Felix", your best friend continues, making you furrow your brows in confusion, the loud music and the alcohol in your system making it a little harder for you to process her words but you can't deny that some part of you doesn't want to hear those words as well. "That's bullshit", you spit and pull your hand out of Yerim's soft grip, taking a step back and crossing your arms in front of your chest like a a stubborn child, "Felix and I are classmates and that's about it, for fuck's sake". "Look, I thought so too and you know I usually never agree with Seonghwa's aries ass but he really is right about the whole Felix thing. When we went to Jisung's birthday part a few weeks ago, Hyunjin got wasted and he basically started talking to me about you and how Felix wants to uhm — sleep with you and how he has been trying to get closer to you for some time now", Yerim explains to you, her eyes filled with pity as she watches her words get to you, "I'm sorry, but he really is right". It takes you a whole minute and several deep breaths to sort out your thoughts, your head an even worse mess than just a few seconds prior and as the seconds pass by like nothing, the urge to just go back home and cry yourself to sleep becomes unbearable. "B-But that still doesn't justify his hurtful words!", you say with your bottom lip trembling, the crazy amount of emotions overwhelming you in every way possible, your body not used to such intensity in such a short amount of time. "Of course not, my love", Yerim immediately replies, "but try it again, alright? Let me bring you home for now and once you're all sobered up, you can talk to him.", your best friend smiles at you encouragingly, knowing how much the fight with your boyfriend has gotten to you and you can't even put your gratitude for her into words. Yerim offers her hand to you, helping you get down from the kitchen counter before she grabs a bottle of water and hands it to you, giving you one of her famous stares which don't allow any kind of excuses. With a soft pout on your lips you take a deep breath thanking her quietly and just as you're taking a sip from the bottle, your eyes find your favorite person. Park Seonghwa. There he stands, in his full glory, with his black hair styled perfectly, showing a great amount of forehead and framing his pretty features just right. Your whole body comes to a halt as your eyes start roaming his body hungrily, as if you hadn't seen him in months, when it's only been a good hour. You gulp harshly, the way his leather jacket is hugging his muscular body in the right places is doing something inexplainable to you; the shirt underneath the thick fabric of his jacket a little tighter around his shoulders as well as his chest, showing everyone the results of his hard training at the gym. Your eyes find their way down his chest to the hem of his shirt and before you even get to his pants, you start clenching your jaw, brows furrowing in frustration as your right hand balls itself to a fist, solely because he's wearing those god damn pants."That little fucker", you hiss through gritted teeth, looking away instantly, knowing how much the sight of his thighs in those tight slacks is going to affect you. But of course you're body is still all about betraying you and the next thing you know is the memory of Seonghwa wearing those exact pants at your last birthday party, looking so good it has you pouting. You couldn't stop staring at his thighs that night, the thought of riding them the only thing on your mind the whole time, and after his hourlong teasing, he finally pulled you into the next best room and made you cum on his thigh not once, not twice, but three times; overstimulating you in the best way possible and even though several months had passed by already, you still can't forget about it. And of course Seonghwa knows this; taking advantage of your weaknesses just like that and you don't even know if you love or hate him for it.You take a deep breath, opening your eyes slowly, getting rid of the tension in your muscles at the same time in hopes of calming your nerves before he dares to come up to you; your ego not quite ready to give in like that just yet. Yerim caresses your back softly, your best friend not having an idea that the sudden change in your demeanor is not a result of anger but pure arousal. You reach for the kitchen counter, your fingers looking for something to steady yourself because you can literally feel yourself becoming hornier with every second passing by."Let's go somewhere else, Yeri", you say, your voice hoarse and tiny from all the arousal floating through your body and yet again you can't help but curse your body for making you a hormonal mess every time alcohol enters your system. Your best friend grabs your hand with a soft nod before the two of you make your way through the all the people, both letting out a loud sigh once you reach the rather empty hallway. "Do you want me to call an uber, love?", Yerim asks you with concern filled eyes, "you look like you're about to have a mental breakdown". You can't help but let out a loud chuckle, throwing your head back as the amusement about your best friend's oblivious state increases and even if it's just for a second, you are able to forget everything that's currently annoying you. "Uhm", Yeri mumbles, taking a step back and looking at you carefully, "you're scaring me", she adds and after chuckling a little longer, you give her a short hug and take a deep breath, finally able to regain your composure. "I love you, Kim Yerim", you sigh and start smiling softly, "I'm okay, just so fucking horny, it's frustrating". You watch the blonde tilt her head to the side, rolling her eyes so hardly you're scared they'll get stuck before she shakes her head and mouths a silent "fuck you". You wrap your arms around her with another chuckle, and just as you're about to ask her something, you hear your name being called.At first you can't recognize the voice because of the loud music blasting through the whole house and when you turn around you watch Lee Felix saying your name yet again and when his gaze meets yours, you freeze. You gulp harshly, your whole body tensing up like crazy as you watch the Australian boy approach you with the biggest smile on his incredibly pretty face. "Y/N!", he says and tilts his head to the side, his eyes sparkling with something you've mistaken for kindness and as you're looking at him now, guilt hits you so suddenly, it has your breath hitching in your throat because Felix isn't looking at you, he's devouring you alive as if you're his last meal and the way annoyance and anger starts spreading in your chest has you sighing loudly. "How are y-", "Fuck you, Lee Yongbok", you blurt, the alcohol taking over you and for the first time ever, you're not mad about how bold it makes you, "seriously, just — fuck you", you add, the need to emphasize the profanity by repeating it too intense to ignore. Felix looks at you with his eyes widened in shock and confusion, his mouth slightly open as if he was trying to ask you something but couldn't find the words. "Y/N, what's — wrong?", he asks you after some time, coming a little closer and without hesitation you lift your hand up, showing him that this is more than close enough. "I fought with my boyfriend because of you!", you hiss, pushing him away from you as anger overcomes your sane way of thinking, "for so many weeks, I defended you in front Seonghwa, denying all of his accusations of you wanting more from me and all that bullshit just so I can find out that you've been trying to get me into your bed the whole time? Fuck you, Felix". You take a deep breath, trying to sort out your crazy thoughts as you're avoiding his eye contact like the plague. Yerim wraps her arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer to her small frame and asking you softly, if you're okay and just as you feel like you're regaining your composure again, another jolt of wrath waves through your body. "Y/N, look, I — like you, okay? I've been trying to get closer to you because you're amazing and-", "Oh, shut the fuck up, Felix", you interrupt him without hesitation; your mind not ready to handle another set of lies coming from the alleged good guy, "shove that fuckboy shit up your ass and just — don't ever talk to me again because from now on I won't stop Seonghwa from finding you", are your last words before you grab your best friend by her wrist and pull her back into the kitchen; way too fast and rushed, resulting in the both of you bumping into several bodies yet you couldn't care less. "Y/N, stop, for fuck's sake!", you hear Yerim saying but skillfully ignore her desperate tries of stopping you as you grab the next best bottle in your reach and the next thing you know is the way the pure alcohol finds its way down your throat, leaving an almost painful burning behind.You close your eyes with a loud sigh, giving yourself the time to cope with the amount of alcohol spreading in your blood system, when suddenly the volume of the music decreases and all of a sudden you're very well aware of the conversation going on behind you. Your best friend watches you chug down several gulps, her eyes focusing you nervously and as the bitterness of the alcohol overwhelms you, the disgusting urge to gag overcomes you and with a loud sigh you let go of the bottle. "They came here separately", you hear one of the girls tell her friends, opening your eyes slowly before you start looking for the face the voice belongs to, "and now he's chilling with Rea and he's not even backing away even though she's literally pushing herself onto his lap", she continues, her gaze meeting yours and sudden shock washes over her features, her eyes widening as if she got caught and with your brows furrowed in confusion, you continue staring at her. "You wanna tell me something, dear?", you ask her, stumbling over the words a little but still managing to put them into a proper sentence. The gorgeous girl looks at you slightly overwhelmed, her cheeks turning a deep shade of red as she gulps harshly, confusing you even more. "No, I-" , "Actually, yes", her friend interrupts her suddenly, making you shift your attention to her without batting an eye, "quite unfortunate how you find comfort in alcohol and he finds it in someone else, but men ain't it, right? Not even the perfect Park Seonghwa", she continues and at the mention of your boyfriend's name, a cold shiver runs down your spine and for a solid second the world seems to stop. "Excuse you-", "Don't listen to her, babe, let's go home", Yerim says and grabs ahold of your arm, pulling you out of the kitchen a lot faster than you can process it, trying to fight her way through the crowd towards the door and even though your brain isn't as fast as usual, you want to know what that girl was talking about and why the hell she dared to accuse your boyfriend of such thing. "Kim Yerim, stop", you say, trying to pull yourself out of her tight grip yet failing miserably, "Yeri, please stop", you try it again, this time a little harder and a little louder and only when you refuse to continue walking behind her, she turns around to face you. "What the fuck was she talking about, Yeri?", you ask her, looking at your best friend as focused as you can in your state and the way her eyes seemed to be filled with regret has you frowning in response. "Yerim, please", you say and pull her closer to yourself, the nervousness slightly increasing as your best friend's silence continues. "Rea", she begins and takes a deep, pitying sigh, "she's sitting next to Seonghwa on the couch and there's not — really any distance between them. But it's not that big of a deal", Yerim says quickly, looking at you with slight panic filling her eyes yet you're already losing yourself in the god damn jealousy. But then, you remember that solely because of that jealousy, you got into this dumb argument and how being jealous won't solve anything and after taking a deep, deep breath, you find yourself a lot calmer than just a solid second ago. Yerim watches every movement of yours carefully, trying to prepare herself of what she might has to handle in a few minutes and when your gaze meets hers, she seems taken aback by the calmness in your demeanor. "Are you okay, babe?", she asks you slowly, her words carrying a certain care in them as she observes the way you press your lips to a thin line and start nodding. "Let's go to the living room, okay?", you say, a suspiciously wide smile on your lips and the way Yeri literally seems to be terrified by it has you chuckling lightly. "Do you think that's a good idea? Seonghwa  and Rea are sitting-", "And what about it? My boyfriend is having a conversation with another female student, so what? He's a free person and can do whatever the fuck he wants. I just want a comfortable place to sit down", you interrupt your best friend instantly, an almost painful smile playing on your lips as you're trying to stay this calm while you're approaching the big living room a little to fast. The second you step your foot over the door step, your boyfriend's gaze shifts to you, legs spread and his head slightly tilted back, eyeing you with hooded eyes and without even hesitating, you ignore the way he's devouring you alive, walking up to the couch he's seated in with a soft smile on your face. Seonghwa's eyes slowly find their way down your body, staying a little longer on your breasts which are well presented in the cute little top you decided to wear. You lift your hand and start waving, pulling his attention back to your face and when a little, charming smile appears on his pretty lips, you feel your heart skipping a beat and the presence of the girl next to him becomes a little less relevant. You gulp harshly because of the way he's tensing his whole body, making his clothes hug the muscles a little tighter and even though you're supposed to be angry at him, you can't help but pull your bottom lip between your teeth, giving him the satisfaction of your obvious arousal. And then you finally manage to shift your attention away from him and to the sweet faced girl next to him, who's already busy looking at you with her eyebrows furrowed in annoyance. You give her a genuine smile, even though you actually want to push her to the floor and rip her god damn face off because of her audacity but this time you won't let the jealousy win. Not when you know how much your boyfriend loves you. "I'm okay, Yerim", you begin and turn towards your best friend, "go and find your man, I'll talk things out with Seonghwa and am going to stay here tonight anyway, alright?", you look at her confidently, yet she seems to be hesitant, too aware of the alcohol in your system. "Are you sure, babe?", Yeri mumbles and inhales loudly, the worry in her pretty feature as evident as possible and with a big smile you wrap your arms around her body; an affirmative sound leaving your lips as you do so. "If anything happens, I'll find you, I promise. Now go and fuck your man- ", "Y/N, oh, my fucking god!", the two of you break out into loud laughters and after another hug and some words of gratitude, your best friend lets go of you and disappears in the big crowds of people. When you turn back around to see if your boyfriend is still in the same spot, you're met with the sight of the pretty Rea, talking to him, laughing out loud here and there as she presses herself against his arms and usually, you'd be mad crazy at this point, anger and jealousy the only thing running through your body, yet this time - this time you can't help bit chuckle shortly.You straighten the fabric of your skirt as you come to stand directly in between your boyfriend's legs, his hand automatically finding your bare thighs and the contrast of his cold rings and fingers against your hot skin has you shivering slightly.  Seonghwa  looks up at you with nothing but lust and hunger in the pretty brown of his eyes and you can't deny how much you've missed him in the time span of two hours. "Hi, Rea", you say and look at her, the way she's so obviously annoyed by your presence has you a lot more amused than you thought and you just can't seem to stop yourself, "thank you for keeping my boyfriend company, you can go and mind your own business now", the words leave your lips so effortlessly, you can't even believe it's you who's said them. Rea looks at you as if she's trying to kill you with her stares, her tiny hands balling into fists as she stands up with a scoff and an almost painful roll of her eyes. "If she plays around again, you know where to find me, right, Seong? I'll take good care of you", she says without shifting her eyes from Seonghwa's face, her hand caressing his arm softly before she gives him one last smile and a quick wink and then walks away; of course not without purposely running into you and as soon as she's gone, you throw your head back and start laughing. "Seong, huh?", you say and look at Seonghwa who seems to be just as amused about the whole situation as he rolls his eyes and breaks into a smile. He straightens himself from his leaned back position, his hands tracing slowly over the back of your thighs while he looks up at you and then pulls you onto his lap with ease. However you, being the petty little brat you like to be, seat yourself on one of his thick thighs, your skirt riding up way too fast and if it wasn't for Seonghwa's quick reaction to hold the fabric down with one of his hands, you would have exposed yourself to everyone around you. "Careful, pretty girl", your boyfriend whispers into your ear, his fingers digging into your hips as you lower yourself onto his thigh completely, "this ass is mine to see and nobody else's, right?", he adds and with a harsh gulp and your throat all dried up, you can't do anything but nod because now, the game has officially started. "Seonghwa", you sigh, your fingers finding the hair at the back of his neck as you caress his soft cheek with your other hand, "I'm sorry for defending Felix, I never realized his true intentions until today", you continue and look into his eyes, finding comfort and security in them as if they were your home and all of a sudden the arousal disappears for a bit, leaving nothing but love and tenderness behind. "But just because I'm apologizing doesn't mean you're getting away with the bullshit you said", you add quickly, pushing your fingers deeper into his hair and then pulling at the strands to bring his face closer to yours. You nudge his nose with yours, his lips so close, you can feel his hot breath fanning against your skin and the way excitement is filling you seems overwhelming. Seonghwa closes his eyes slowly, giving you a soft kiss before he lets out a deep sigh, "I'm sorry, my love", he begins, voice so soft and smooth, it seems to overtone the loud music of the party going on around you effortlessly, "but the thought of him spending time with you made me lose my mind because I saw the way he kept looking at you and you didn't and — fuck, I know I've been a fucking asshole and I'm really sorry". Your eyes roam his pretty face attentively, taking in every little detail of his defined features as if it was your last or first time doing it and no matter how much time passes, Park Seonghwa's beauty won't ever fail to mesmerize you. The way his lips seem to be the perfect shade of pink all the time, with his cute little nose which build such a perfect contrast to the sharpness of his eyes and his defined jawline. You start caressing his soft cheek with your hand, loving the feeling of his skin beneath your touch way too much and the fact you're already this touch-starved is almost embarrassing. You can't believe how whipped you are for his stubborn ass."Apology accepted", you mumble and give him a short kiss on the lips, not going in any more because you're too aware of your current position, "are you going to fuck me now?", you add as you pout slightly, the feeling of his body so close to yours with his intoxicating scent surrounding you not helping you with your aroused state. Seonghwa's lips stretch into a big smile almost instantly, a soft chuckle escaping him as he looks into your eyes again, with his hands firmly placed on your ass. You love the expression of pure hunger in the brown surrounding his iris, the amount of arousal and passion sending shivers down your spine just like that and you don't even try to hide how he has you wrapped around his finger. "My angel has such a dirty mouth", your boyfriend whispers against your lips, his eyes never leaving yours and eliciting a tiny whine as soon as you feel his thigh tensing beneath your drenched core, "I guess I have to fuck some manners into you again, huh? You've been extra bratty nowadays", he continues, guiding your hips to move against his thigh, making the soft fabric of his slacks rub against you in just the right places and you can't even bring yourself to stop him, even though you know there are at least twenty people in the room who might see you. "S-Seonghwa", you whimper, followed by a soft sigh when a jolt of pleasure shoots through your body because of the way your boyfriend is rubbing your clit against his thigh, "want you to fuck me, please", you manage to finish your little plea, trying your best not to grind even harder against his strong muscle as the arousal is taking over you and in combination with the amount of alcohol you've got in your blood already, thinking properly has become a true challenge. "Look at my pretty girl, using her words on me just how I like it", Seonghwa replies, his hands caressing your back softly, skillfully hiding the way the wetness between your legs and the warm feeling of your core against his thigh has him harder than ever, "let's go to my room so I can show you who the fuck owns this cute little cunt, alright? Come on, angel", he adds, halting your movements calmly before he looks into your eyes encouragingly and without wasting another minute, you get off of his lap with shaky legs. Jaemin intertwines his fingers with yours, pulling you close to his chest, partly because he wants to protect your from the people around you but also because he needs you to cover his obvious erection. As the two of you are making your way towards the hallway, you can feel the hardness of your boyfriend against your ass, making you giggle in excitement because you know what's about to happen once you're alone. Every now and then you lift your head from Seonghwa's chest, your eyes looking at him with anticipation and nothing but love and the way he returns your soft gazes has you melting right then and there. "Like what you see, pretty girl?", your boyfriend says, a big smile plastered on his beautiful face as he guides the two of you up the stairs. Your grip around his arm tightens lightly and the feeling of his strong muscles which are hidden beneath the fabric of his leather jacket has your mouth watering. It's been around four months since Seonghwa decided to join his best friends at hitting the gym on a regular basis and the results have been incredibly impressive. You literally watched his soft tummy being replaced with stone hard abs as the weeks passed by, his thighs as well as his arms a lot more defined and at some point you didn't even try to hide the effect those slight changes have on you. "Like? I'm absolutely in love", you reply and look up at him, your fingers caressing the back of his neck as he locks his eyes with yours and starts devouring you slowly. "Oh, baby", your boyfriend mumbles and finally comes to stand in front of the door to his room, "I'm going to ruin you". And with those words your remaining patience finally reaches it's absolute limits and with a needy whimper you press your lips against his and go in for an incredibly hungry kiss. Your fingers find the collar of his leather jacket impatiently, pulling him closer to you as if you needed him to survive and in the back of your head you can't believe how shameless you've become but upon seeing him in this particular outfit with that cocky smile, you can't help yourself. Seonghwa pushes you against his door softly, nudging his knee in between your thighs before he starts kissing you like a man starved. It starts off slowly, but becomes quite sloppy and rushed in the time span of not even a minute. He thrusts his tongue inside your mouth easily, licking over yours before he wraps his lip around your hot muscle and starts sucking. The way his spit is slowly mixing up with yours has you clenching around nothing like crazy; the wet patch inside of your panties constantly growing as you enjoy the way his taste is coating your tongue oh, so deliciously. You can feel his fingers digging into the skin of your waist the more impatient he becomes until Seonghwa finally wraps one of his pretty hands around your breast, eliciting a loud whimper from you. He takes the chance of you opening your mouth to pull your bottom lip between his teeth and suck at it. And then the two of you automatically open your eyes, locking gazes with each other as if it's the only thing you know and the way he looks at you makes you moan out loud and the urge to ask him to fuck you against the door without wasting another minute becomes unbearable. Seonghwa tightens the grip around your breast a little, massaging the soft flesh before he starts concentrating on your errect nipples and when you throw your head back with a loud sigh, your boyfriend doesn't even hesitate; his lips attaching to the skin on your neck immediately. He starts leaving a trail of open mouthed kisses down your throat before he pulls the skin between his lips and starts sucking until he's made sure to leave a mark. You hiss in slight pain, trying to move your hips against his thigh between your legs so desperetaly, it has you so frustrated and as your fingers find their way into his hair, you finally manage to pull away and look at him with big, glossy eyes and your heart thrumming in your throat. "Fuck me, please", you gulp harshly, yoor boyfriend's taste as well as his familir scent intoxicating you in the best way possible, "want you to raw me and fill me up with your cum so — so badly", you whisper against his lips, your lids fluttering shut the second Seonghwa moans into your mouth, sending shivers down your spine and a jolt of arousal directly between your legs. "F-Fuck", he stutters, his breathing all shaky and the fact he's not able to control his own arousal has you panting, "you're playing with fire, pretty girl", he adds and takes a deep breath before he pulls away from you before he starts looking for the keys to his room inside of his pockets. "My angel", Seonghwa begins when he finally finds the key, his fingers wrapping around your wrist in order to pull you away from the door softly, "I'm so in love with you", he mumbles, doesn't even give you the time to melt over his words as he presses his lips against yours shortly afterwards. Your boyfriend leads you into his room with his hands roaming your body and without waiting for the door to fall shut, he pulls your skirt down your legs, placing kisses on your hot skin every now and then. A soft sigh leaves your lips, loving the feeling of his pretty fingers kneading your flesh and the way his eyes look upa t you in pure despair and lust. "You're so beautiful, my sweet angel", Seonghwa  mumbles against your hips, helping you step out of your skirt once it reches your ankles, "the way your body fits so perfectly into my hands has me so fucking hard". His words start echoing in your head, clouding your mind with admiration and neediness so easily and you're aware of Seonghwa knowing the effect of his words and you love it. He's never failed to make you feel beautiful; his voice so smooth as he says all those things and you can't even put your gratitude into words. "Take off your shirt, my love, I want to see you", he whispers into your ear after coming to stand on his feet again, both of his hands finding their way to your breasts before he pulls your bottom lip between his teeth. You nod eagerly, grabbing the hem of your crop top and pulling it over your head and also getting rid of your bra in the span of ten seconds. And just as usual you feel yourself becoming tiny compared to Seonghwa's broad stature solely because you're only wearing your panties, whereas your boyfriend is still fully dressed. The dominance he's currently oozing has you pressing your thighs together and when you finally get yourself to lock your gaze with his, your breath hitches in your throat. His eyes are spitting fire; the love and tenderness replaced by raw lust and the longer he stares at you, the more turned on you get. His lips find their way down your chin to your neck before he finally reaches your exposed cleavage and the way he looks up at you from I between your breast has blood rushing through your ears. You first instinct to push him away because you know he has a perfect view on your stretch marks, kicks in quite fast but before you even get the chance to put your hands on his neck, Seonghwa pulls one of your erect nipples between his pink lips. Your breath hitches in your throat as a jolt of pure pleasure shoots through your body and makes you clench around nothing like crazy. Seonghwa doesn't look away as he sucks on the sensitive nub, taking it between his teeth and blowing cold air onto it solely because he loves the way you're squirming beneath his touch. "How many times do I have to tell you that I love you with every single mark and scar? You're so, so beautiful, my sweet angel and I won't stop telling you this until you believe me", he whispers against your skin, sending shivers down your spine because of the combination of his raspy voice and those pretty words."How do you want me?", you ask him, pulling his face up to yours before you bury your face in the crook of his neck. Seonghwa starts rubbing your back gently, his hands a little colder compared to your hot skin and the contrast has you shivering slightly. "I've been dying to press your face into the mattress and fuck you from behind", he replies and makes you look up at him again, his pretty eyes focusing you lovingly but at the same time he's rubbing himself against your thigh, "and you saying you want me to raw you has me going crazy", he says and sigh softly, giving you a short kiss. "I don't really care", you say and gulp harshly as you start walking back slowly until you reach the edge of your boyfriend's king sized bed, "just want you to fuck me"."Your wish is my command, baby", he says, his eyes roaming your exposed body hungrily before he — finally — takes off his leather jacket. You watch him attentively, your gaze focusing the way he tenses his muscles as he gets rid of his shirt and exposes his stone hard abs to you. And you know he enjoys and loves the way you're observing him; with hunger-filled eyes and arousal written all over your features; his big, cocky smile exposes him every time. "Look at my needy little angel", he says as he teases you softly, still standing in the middle of his room and way too far away from you for your liking, "so desperate for me to fuck that sweet cunt of hers, filling her up with all of my cum, right, my love?", he continues and locks his gaze with you; a whiny nod the only thing you manage to get out in response. You feel yourself growing more and more impatient and soon enough, you find yourself subconsciously playing with the hem of your panties. "Seonghwa", you whisper, your voice all hoarse and tiny because of the massive amount of arousal floating through your body, "p-please fuck me or else I am going to take care of it myself", you threaten him, nervously waiting for his response and the way he arches his brows in slight surprise has you gulping harshly. "Oh, my pretty girl", he sighs and opens the button of his pants before he pulls down the zipper and the next thing you hear is a deep moan as he starts palming himself through the soft material of his boxers, "you know how much I hate it when you become all bratty. Two can play this game and to be really honest, no matter how much I want to fuck you, watching you finger your pretty cunt is enough to satisfy me so it's your loss because we both know what a cock hungry little whore you become once your panties are all wet", he says as he continues to get himself off, his fingers wrapping around his length through his underwear and the way he throws his head back letting out the sweetest moans has you whining loudly. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry", you say quickly, "can you p-please just fuck me now, I need you so fucking much, Seonghwa", you say, sudden tears pricking at the corners of your eyes and you have no idea why. Your boyfriend cocks his head to the side and slowly opens his eyes, noticing the light veil of tears covering your sight almost instantly and within a second he lets go of himself and drops the dominant mask the two of you love so much. "Baby", he says, pushing his pants as well as boxers down his thighs as he approaches you with worry filled eyes, "don't cry, please. I'm going to fuck you so good you wont be able to walk, I promise", he smirks as he gives you a quick kiss on the lips before he makes you turn around almost brutally, his hand finding its way to the back of your neck as he gets you into the right position. With your ass up in the air, your panties messily pulled down, only enough to put your pussy on full display, you feel Seonghwa's body pressing into yours impatiently. "I d-didn't prep you", he says through gritted teeth, rubbing the angry tip of his cock against your glistening folds; mixing your arousal with his precum. But at this point, you're too far gone. All you can think of is him thrusting his big cock into you; filling you up so perfectly and stretching you out in the best way possible, "I don't give a fuck", you say, your grip in his bed sheets tightening as the impatience is finally taking over you, "just fuck me. I can take it, I'm your big girl", and with those words you manage to pull your boyfriend's trigger. Seonghwa lines himself up with your entrance, his hand making sure to press your face into his mattress, just like promised, as he slowly pushes himself inside of your sensitive walls. The stretch feels amazing; the slight pain in combination with the arousal has your eyes rolling into the back of your head and the deeper it gets, the better the sensation becomes. "F-Fuck", you moan, your mouth hanging open as he fills you up to the brim, "you're so big, Seonghwa, so big and so — so good", you whimper, loving the way he fits inside of you so perfectly. Your boyfriend, being the thoughtful soul he is, gives you the time to adjust to his impressive size, knowing how much more of a tricky situation it is for you but you can tell by the way he's digging his fingers into your waist that his patience is running just as low as yours. "M-Move, please", you whisper into the arousal filled air of the room, followed by a loud moan as soon as you feel him slowly pull out of you again, only to thrust into you with such force, it has you dizzy. Seonghwa  starts off slowly, his thrusts long and deep, hitting every sensitive spot inside of you before he starts to pick up his pace. Deep grunts, high pitched whines and throaty moans fill your ear oh, so beautifully, making you clench around his length so easily. Seonghwa loses himself in the feeling of your soft walls hugging his cock so deliciously, as if you were made for him and him only and the way your sucking him in with every thrust has him panting nervously. At this point, the sound of skin slapping against each other and moans are the only things filling the dorm room as Seonghwa's thrust become firmer, faster and sloppier. "You're taking my cock so well", he praises you every now and then, then he pushes into you a little harder than usual, knocking the air out of your lugs because of the way he hits that particular spot so recklessly, "your cunt was made for me, so tight, so warm, so fucking perfect", Seonghwa  grunts, grabbing a fistful of your hair before he pulls you up, pressing his chest against your back. Your moans start growing louder, especially now that there's nothing to cover your mouth with, you find yourself being way too vocal even when Jaemin messily pulls your tongue between his lips and starts sucking at it like his life depended on it.It doesn't take long for the knot in the pit of your stomach to start tightening, the bittersweet feeling of arousal rushing through your body with every thrust way too intense to not result in a rather quick climax. You start clenching around him more and more, eliciting deep moans with every single time and the way Seonghwa is digging his fingers into the soft flesh of your breasts because of it has you whimpering loudly. "I'm so c-close", you whispers, throwing your head back and leaning against Seonghwa's shoulder as pleasure is taking up the last bits of your sane mind, "keep it going, baby, just like that. Fuck, I love your cock so much", you moan, slowly losing yourself in the urgent need to finally reach your much-needed climax but also because you know how much your boyfriend loves being worshipped. "More", he whimpers into your ear, speeding up the movement of his hips as his thrusts reach an almost brutal pace, "I'm almost there; wanna cum with you", he continues and with a soft nod you do as he asks. "Nobody fucks me as good as you, Seonghwa", you say, a soft moan filling your praise, "only you and your big cock can make me feel this way, s-shit, I love you so fucking much". Seonghwa's grunts become louder and louder with every thrust of his hips and when his fingers find your neglected clitoris, you feel yourself letting go no matter how hard you've tried to keep it together. It doesn't take another minute of him rubbing firm circles into the sensitive nub as you finally stumble over the edge; head first. The waves of your orgasm break down onto you, drowning you in such intense pleasure, your heart skips a solid beat. You start shaking slightly, whining and whimpering Seonghwa's names like a mantra and just as the harshness of your climax start calming down again, your boyfriend starts tensing his whole body and with every single spurt of his cum coating your walls, the aftermath of your orgasm intensifies. Loud pants, rushed heartbeats and the subdued sound of the music coming from the party downstairs are the only things filling Seonghwa's room for at least three minutes. He lets go of you, his eyes quickly taking notice of the marks his tight grips have left on your soft skin before you let yourself fall into his soft sheet, face first. Seonghwa, still firmly buried inside of your heat, takes a couple of deep breaths, his shaky hands pulling up your panties and just as he's about to pull out, someone pushes the door open with such force, it has you jumping in slightly overwhelmed."Oh", is the only thing you hear, which follows the brutal opening of the door, "oh", your boyfriend's best friend says again, as if he's trying to understand what he's currently witnessing. "What the fuck do you want, wooyoung?", Seonghwa hisses annoyed, trying to hide your naked figure from his eyes but not even caring to at least pull his pants past his ass. "I- ummmm- don't remember", he stutters, and you know at this point,  he is as red as a tomato and if it wasn't for the exhaustion, you'd at least try to catch a glimpse of him. "wooyoung", Seonghwa yells, pulling his best friend out of his shame-filled trance, "as you can tell, I'm fucking busy so if it's not important or not something you can tell me with me being balls deep inside of my girlfriend, I don't fucking care!", he continues and this time it's you who gasps, followed by an eye-roll before you start shaking your head. "You're fucking disgusting, Park Seonghwa", wooyoung says, his voice filled with disgust and you can't help but chuckle softly at him, "sorry for interrupting you, Y/N", is the last thing he says before Seonghwa tells him to fuck off. Your boyfriend starts pulling out of you as soon as the door falls shut and after putting your lace panties back into place, he watches the way his creamy cum starts pouring out of your sex, a satisfied grunt leaving his lips before he finally allows you to lay down completely. "You did so well, angel", he whispers, turning you around to face him before he pulls you to his chest and gives you a kiss on the forehead. His fingers starts massaging your scalp and as he continues to praise you for taking his cock like a champ, you find yourself dozing off and the last thing you hear is a sweet, sweet love confession.  

anywhooooooooooooo that's was originally meant for Jaemin but I was like aint got time to make a whooooole new one so I just changed the name. so yeah. any its all good now bye bye 

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