7 deadly sins~hwa san yeo jong

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okay so I only did Seonghwa and san in this one because that the way it came to me and let me know if you like it

Seonghwa: do I even need to explain why this boy is Lust. like do I really cause we all want to live anyway. this boy is sexy and he knows it. he's had sex with every girl in hell. and since he had already had them all he got bored having sex with the same girls over and over (and he could probably make them cum just by looking at them). so he needs someone new that's why he came to earth where he saw you and said I will have her cocky right. you were the first one that he didn't have sex with on the spot cause he could tell by the way that you were looking at him that you were not about to let him have it that fast. but this also knew that he had and will have you so you became his girlfriend and ended up spending a lot of time with him. and he found out that there is more to a relationship than just sex.

san: I put san next because he's also lust and I already know I don't need to explain why. but there is a difference between san and Seonghwa. Seonghwa likes to make love while san on the other hand like to just....fuck. and he's strong so when he fucks a girl they ore than likely ain't gonna be walking for a month. since he and Seonghwa got bored that's the main reason these 2 came to earth. he imminently saw you came up to you and said I'm going to fuck you and you were like excuse tf me did I hear you right I'm not a sex toy and you pushed him off. you were the first girl to ever reject him so the say that he shook would be an understatement. so after he regained his composer he walked back up to you and said I bet I could make you want to fuck me in 20 days. you said okay how much 300? yeah. anyway you won only because you have more patience than he does. and fucked him after 21 days. after that yall became fuck buddies

Yeosang is envy. Because my dudes just don't understand why anyone should pay attention to anyone but I mean like c'mon hes handsome smart rich and the list goes on like what do u think u are doing human. He attributes all he has to his jealousy like if he wasn't constantly envious of others than wouldn't have strived so hard to be where he is because no one can have something better than him like how dare drop to ur hands and knees and beg for forgiveness peasant but in his need to have everything in its top quality he came to earth to add to collection with his eye candy who he really couldn't care less about she just so happen to apparently be the most beautiful demon so that's what happened there anyway he was walking through a jewelry store when he say you on a poster with a necklace and instantly stopped and shoved the poor clingy thing away and he went off to the manger walking up like Karen demanding to know who u were once he found out and located where u were he may or may not have magically appeared in ur house and looked around and was completely displeased with what he saw you and ur boyfriend cuddling on your couch but to cut a long story short your boyfriend left a broken nose and jaw with a black eye he snatched you up when u didn't practically throw yourself at him like ma'am hello do u know I am welp anywahores he grabbed u and teleported back to hell to show off his new piece.

Hoongjong is pride but he deserves but first second and third of all this man)????? demon idk whatever) singlehandedly built hell to where it is today which I mean u have never been but like *low whistle* anywho so he thought why not help these foolish humans be all they can be but what he didn't expect was for miniscule creatures to be so ungrateful like dafuq hello I'm here to help you rule the rest of the world what are you being so rude for fool anyway he after he was ever so rudely kicked out SM entertainment after showing them his plans as to how they could rule the entertainment business he was beyond pissed as to how the creatures could discredit him how do u think he got where he is today a few lives had to be lost so in his pissed off state he went to a coffee shop because an iced coffee is always good he walked in and instantly walked to the front of the line and cut in front of you and you being you were not about to wait for another person so you quickly shoved him out the way and told him to wait his turn to say he instead of instantly banishing down to the deepest part hell they thought ohh she would be perfect for keep little golddiggers off and so he said he'd pay you to say you were his girlfriend and I mean like who are you are you to refuse free money get to go out with the hottest man (demon idfk okay) who have ever seen

okay so this is only two but I'm like really behind on school work and my thumbs are hurting also its hyunjin birthday and I'm under a lot of pressure my little sister just said that she ships me with jeamin Renjun and san like wtf I didn't sign up for this shit

okay so this is only two but I'm like really behind on school work and my thumbs are hurting also its hyunjin birthday and I'm under a lot of pressure my little sister just said that she ships me with jeamin Renjun and san like wtf I didn't sign u...

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I might do the next 2 Tuesday or Wednesday anywhores stay safe don't get sick and stan mcnd and victon

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I might do the next 2 Tuesday or Wednesday anywhores stay safe don't get sick and stan mcnd and victon

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