Kakarot? Wait theirs two!?

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Goku was messing about in bulmas lab pressing buttons one button two button three button. Now you may be wondering why he's in bulmas lab in the first place here's the simple answer Hes bored yes you read it right the great goku was bored he had to wait for vegeta to get out the shower so he decided to mess around for a bit

He soon found himself in cased somehow in a giant blue tube banging on the door sirens going off everyone running in vegeta dressed in shorts and his hair still dripping wet "KAKAROT/GOKU!?"they all shouted 

Then two doors opened two goku's staggered out except one was wearing saiyen spandex vegetas eyes draw towards the saiyen in spandex blushing chi-chi giggled to herself "what?" The other one snapped "woah your me!?" Goku shouted "Ugh I'm wearing orange?" The other saiyen said 

Everyone was silent "ok let's call the one in spandex Kakarot" said bulma "oh hey beautiful" flirted Kakarot the girls giggled "why are you giggling he clearly called me beautiful!" Said chi-chi "no he called me beautiful!" bulma said their sweat dropped  "I called neither of you beautiful I mean spandex ass over their" winked Kakarot their eyes trailed to vegeta their jaws dropping 

"W.w.what?" Vegeta stuttered Kakarot strutted towards him "you heard me beautiful" he said tilting the princes chin up who whacked his hand away "feisty I like it..." Kakarot smirked vegeta blushed and glared 

"Oh my actual fuck..." everyone but goku Kakarot and vegeta trailed "let's get this sorted beautiful then I can spend time with your beautiful face" flirted Kakarot vegetas jaw dropped as Kakarot took him bridal style

"P.p.put me down!" Vegeta shouted Kakarot smirked "if I did that I'd destroy this entire planet and take you with me somewhere safe beautiful I know you don't want that" smirked Kakarot vegeta growled and rolled his eyes but shocking everyone he didn't argue 

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