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There once was a silly girl,

Who had not a care in the world,

Or so she often told,

When in reality that lie was bold.

This girl had a very good friend,

And they promised to stay till the end,

But the friend asked the girl to bend,

And that quickly brought about the end.

The girl flew into a rage,

Uncommon for someone so young an age,

And a bitter war she did wage,

That should have landed her in a cage.

Her goal was to inflict much pain,

For her own pointless, selfish gain,

She didn’t stop to listen to her brain,

And it happened to all end in rain. 

This girl committed the sin of wrath,

And inflict maximum damage it hath,

As she acted without doing the math,

And she foolishly strayed from the narrow path.

The Seven Deadly SinsWhere stories live. Discover now