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It definitely wasn't my idea of fun to be at school so early but it sure as hell meant that I got to see a lot more gossip than what I usually saw.

A group of girls to my left was arguing about who had the best summer and to my left on the flip side there was another huddle who were squabbling about who had the worst summer.

And ahead of me there was quite the most interesting conversation, the schools 'it' couple were face to face.

"A break up, huh?" I scoffed under my breath but I must've been a little too loud because a girl next to me who seemed to be alone, laughed.

"Tragic" she hissed.

She was new because when I turned to face her she wasn't familiar and her backpack was tightly up over her shoulders. It was nerdy but kind of adorable.

"Gina." she introduced holding out her hand enthusiastically. I stared at her hand in disgust and then looked around and finally back to her face which was slowly dropping in disappointment.

"Lennon." I mumbled taking her hand very briefly before pulling away and folding my arms "You're new?" I asked and she nodded.

"Sophomore. Transfer student."

I nodded along and smiled at her, it was kind of nice to talk to someone who didn't know me and my history, someone who didn't turn their nose up at the sight of me.

"Well Gina, that is Nina Salazar-Roberts our very own stereotypical nerd. And seemingly that's her ex boyfriend-"

I looked Ricky up and down and clenched my teeth together, I hated that boy and his perfect life and soft exterior and goddamn interior too.

"-Richard Bowen, your high school sweetheart" I said sarcastically with an eye roll.

"And apparently not yours" Gina laughed "something happen between you two?"

I ran a hand over my face and sighed turning back to the transfer student, oh to be so innocent again.

"Something like that." I responded before the tannoy above us began to echo and the principals voice bounced through the hall.

"Good morning, students. Please make your way to the gym for our annual back-to-school kickoff."

The students began to disburse towards the gym but my feet felt frozen to the spot I was stood in, I couldn't help but watch the pair as they looked at each other in disbelief.

I also couldn't help but notice the boy had grown, he seemed taller and much older and his hair seemed softer and-

"I think that was our cue" Gina laughed snapping me from my thoughts and pointing towards the gym.

I coughed down and laughed, I ran my hands over my black skinny jeans to wipe off the sweat that had formed from both anxiety and anger.

God that boy.

"You go ahead" I smiled at the transfer student "I'll catch you around" I lied before watching her walk off from me.

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