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The day of the first read through. That was daunting to say the least specifically because I had no friends and no clue on how theatre worked.

When walking in I noticed the tight circle of chairs and the name tags and then my eyes glanced over those sat in their seats.

"Gina?" I almost asked, partly because I couldn't remember if that was her name and also because I didn't expect her to be sat on a theatre stage especially behind the name plaque TAYLOR.

"Don't forget to silence your phones!" Miss. Jenn reminded in her sickly sweet accent which made me cringe as I took a reluctantly seat on the chair labelled KELSI.

Everyone was looking around at each other some of them confused at the castings other excited and pumped for the first read through.

"I realise that you all walked in here as stranger" she began smiling round the circle. Ashlyn to my left laughed and stated,

"Actually E.J's my cousin"

It made the whole room go silent, everyone looked at her in confusion and with awkward faces but for some reason I giggled and Ashlyn offered me a smile that thanked me for breaking the awkwardness.

"But after today, you're a family, one tribe, committed to lifting this classic film to new heights"

Carlos snapped a picture of him with his CHOREOGRAPHER plaque and the sound made Miss. Jenn turn towards him with a glare. I couldn't help but cringe at the awkward situation and hope that it would be over soon.

"Please take your neighbours hand" Miss. Jenn ordered making sure everyone took each other's hands. I held Ashlyns and a girls I'd never seen before.

Everyone watched the way Ricky reached for Nini's hand and I couldn't help but want to gag. I don't know why, maybe it was just the way she looked at him with such distain. It was probably the first time I liked her.

"Let the silence speak volumes. In a world full of no, this is a space full of yes" I wanted to laugh- I did so bad- even when everyone's heads bowed and the crazy drama teacher began to sing.

I looked across at Big Red who's eyes were just as wide as mine.

"What the fuck" I mouthed to him and he slightly shrugged, he went into a zone where his eyes glazed over and he didn't know what was going on, as did I.

"Did I just join a cult?" Big Red asked me leaning over my shoulder as I took a step out of the circle who had began to do hand warm ups.

I thought that maybe he was going to be my sanity when I sat down but that was quickly flown out of the window when he began to read the script as STAGE MANAGER.

"Stop. Don't run it all together. Read the punctuation" Miss. Jenn almost begged as Big Red read aloud as if he had never done so before.

"Sharpay comma heads for class period"

"Is this a joke?" I hissed and I think I did it a little loud because not only did Ashlyn who I'd said it towards turn to me but everyone else.

"And that's Act One. Let's take a break." Miss. Jenn clapped I almost cheered as I was able to stand from the chair.

I glanced across at the way that E.J and Nini clung to each other and I almost vomited in my mouth, I offered Gina a small wave which she gave back before going back to her solemn look.

She really thought she was going to be Gabriella didn't she.

Ricky couldn't handle much so he stood from his chair and raced out the door in a huff almost knocking into me.

"Watch where you're going" I shouted and he turned round with a sigh.

"Sorry" he apologised ruffling his hair "you did great in there" he complemented and my stomach did a flip.

"So did you" I giggled "to say you don't want to be there anyway" I joked and he pulled a worried face.

"So it's that obvious?" He asked looking back to the theatre door with a sigh and I couldn't help but laugh,


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