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With everything that Nini had just said my heart felt a bit torn open, I stood there vulnerable wondering what the hell I do now.

"Clear! Carlos is posting the cast list!" Kourtney said pulling Nini towards where Carlos pressed a green piece of paper into the wall with a piece of tack.

Everyone was running passed me, everyone apart from Lennon who took a slow stroll behind everyone else with a chuckle. She wasn't hopeful for any part so she didn't need to fight to the front.

I stepped forward through the crowd as they fell back after seeing their casted roles and I stepped forward followed by Big Red who looked at the paper and back at me with a scoff.

Troy Bolton ....... Ricky Bowen.

I nearly choked on my own tongue, reading that was like having the biggest surprise of my life. Why would I have gotten the lead role when E.J auditioned?

My blue hoodie was pulled backwards by a hand and I stumbled to watch as Lennon walked in front of me to check out the list herself.

"Congratulations" she said and I couldn't tell whether it was sarcastic or not, if so why was she being genuinely nice to me in public.

"Yeah, and you" I said back in shock and her brows furrowed and she turned to look at the paper.

So she hadn't seen that she'd gotten a role?

"Kelsi Nielsen? You've got to be kidding me" she muttered under her breathe. "I didn't audition did I? Did you see me audition? No!" She asked rhetorically towards Big Red who shook his head and gulped.

She was just about to power back into the theatre to attack Miss. Jenn when I reached out and impulsively pulled her back.

I don't exactly know why I did it because usually I would've been too scared that she'd swing and hit me but I did it anyway and she didn't seem to be too mad.

"You're really good" I said bluntly "at playing piano I mean" I laughed scratching the back of my neck "if it means anything, I think you'd make an awesome Kelsi"

Her face kind of faltered and she looked at me with something for once other than hatred. A small smile appeared on her lips and she blushed,


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