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Okay so the plus side to being the boring character is that she doesn't do any crazy dance choreography or any dancing at all for that matter.

Thank god though, I probably would've quit with the way the dancers were nearly breaking their backs to hit certain moves I couldn't do in my dreams.

Nini came in late told Miss. Jenn she'd misplaced her phone or something but I wasn't really invested in the conversation.

"Nini, how was your night?" There goes Mr desperate again I thought, I was kicked back on a locker watching as Ricky approached Nini who set her coat down next to me.

"Not so hot. Excuse me." She apologised before shooting off.

"Okay." He smiled trying to keep upbeat "Not so hot? Was that about my voicemail? Is that her answer? That was her answer" he turned to me and rhetorically asked and I laughed and slapped a hand on his shoulder.

"When will you give up, dude"

He looked at me and his eyes twinkled and suddenly I couldn't breathe, my stomach began to do flips and oh god I needed to stop.

He broke our eye contact first but I wasn't surprised, he still wanted Nini back and I was just the person who teased him for most his life.

It was expected. Hurtful but expected.

I didn't expect the day to get any worse really, not until Miss. Jenn asked for the Troy and Chad scene which was obviously a big thing seen as it's like Nini's boyfriends head to head.

I couldn't help but sit there and wonder what was so special about such a girl to make two significantly good looking people, even though it pains me to say it, fight over her.

Now because I'd been kicked from most lessons all my free periods meant I had the honour of sitting and watching all the scenes that didn't involve me.

"We had a meeting about how we haven't been acting like a team, Troy" E.J said, holding his script, towards Ricky who span a basketball between his palms.

The scene went on until E.J punched Ricky, it wasn't hard enough to bruised but made him shift back a little in his position which angered me a little.

I looked towards Miss. Jenn who pulled a weird face and I shrugged like I didn't know why they were acting so stiff towards each other.

"Let's loosen up, pass some energy back and fourth. Let's use the ball and improvise" Miss. Jenn suggested and E.J took the ball spun it in his hands and then chest passed it to Ricky.

"This isn't going to end well is it?" I whispered under my breath and I think she heard me and smiled through the painful truth.

"You deserve everything that's coming your way" E.J smiled sarcastically at Ricky who winced at his words as if they hurt.

"Back at you, dude" he spat back throwing the ball harsher. And then it got harder and harder until the basketball smashed into E.J's face.

I stood up behind Ricky as he put his hand over his mouth in shock.

"I say he deserved it" I whispered to Ricky as he watched the teacher take E.J out of the room. After the coast was clear he turned to me and laughed a little.

The rest of the theatre kids joined round the piano and Carlos upon entering asked me to sit at the piano and play Status Quo. I looked around and Ricky nodded me on before starting.

The room filled with talent and voices, all of them perfectly mixing to create the perfect harmony. But when I looked around I couldn't see Ricky again and my stomach fell empty.

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