Chapter 12

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Present Time...

Dazai left the Port Mafia's HQ after he laid the sleeping redhead on his own bed. He really don't know what to do after Chuuya cried a lot until he felt tired of it and got lulled. He's the worst. He hurt him again. What more if they met again?

He have done a mistake again.

It's already 4am which the whole night he was awake and doing the part of his deal with Akutagawa. Well, he was relieved that no one's hurt but he felt a lot of guilt, leaving Chuuya with his heart breaking words to make him move on.

I'm the worst... The brunette soundly sighed, heading towards his apartment but he got a message from his subordinate.

Dazai-san, I already know about what happened. You're being hypnotized by an ability user that Chuuya-san hired so that you will act up according to his order but then I heard that he failed so he told Akutagawa to kidnap us, make a deal to make Chuuya-san happy and so on.

Dazai was shocked that his subordinate already know everything. He's wondering if Akutagawa really talk to him in a peaceful way. That's unbelievable.

He immediately replied so he can finally take a long nap.

Oh yes. But let me handle everything and just make this our secret to ADA.
I don't want them to be freak out and also I'm going to explain to them that I'm already fine. It may sound so sudden for them that i already recovered to my depression where I was being hypnotized but I'll try my very best to persuade them that I drunk some weird pills that made me act like that. This was a tough day, Atsushi-kun. Good night and Good morning!

reply sent

And then he threw away his phone before he laid himself on the bed, immediately feel his body being drown to tiredness and pain. It feels like he can't do his job anymore. He just want to sleep the whole week and don't wake up ever again.

But he remembered that there's still a lot of responsibilities that he's still handling and where he left Atsushi do all of those when he was being hypnotized by the redhead's hired ability user.

Next morning (which he forced himself to get out of his comfy bed), he immediately headed to President's office and then, the old man suddenly spilled out his tea after seeing a smiling Dazai on his front.

"Sorry. Are you okay now, Dazai?"

"Yes, President. I um...maybe drunk some anti-happiness pills or something that made me act like that. I'm sorry for my absence. I'm okay now! I'm going back to work!" Dazai made his reasonable opinion and laughed about it sheepishly while the President just shrugged it off and waves his hands.

"Okay, get back to work."

And that made Dazai's eye shimmered before he headed towards the office with his relaxed expression. Once he got there, all of the ADA members as usual fixed their eyes on Dazai but seeing him smiling and now made their eyes widened.

"Dazai? Are you okay?"

"Huh? I'm fine, Kunikida-kun." said the brunette who smiled and winked.

But then, the fact that Dazai came back didn't change his work habits. He's always lazy, listening to his music and didn't participate that much at making some reports.

"Anyway, where's Atsushi-kun?"

No one managed to answer but Kyouka on the other side raised her tiny hand.

"He's on the way here. He said someone meet him and he's still at the café. I wonder who's it."

Dazai's expression lightened up and clasped his both hands,
"Ohh...Atsushi's growing up so fast..."
He was fluttered after knowing that his two subordinates might having a meet up.

"I think Dazai-san is okay. So..." Naomi on the other hand spoke and his brother Tanizaki approved along with everyone and immediately get back to their work.

No one had a clue of what Dazai's talking about but after he recovered and act like being his usual self,

they just ignored his annoying existence.

After his morning work, he decided to laid on the couch beside the infimary room to read his book about suicide and none of his members didn't even bother to confiscate it again after their President told that he drunk some of his so-called anti-happiness pills which is really unrealable.

And indeed Dazai did tricked all of them.

When the time was about to finish and get his butt on the swivling chair, typing a report, he got a message from someone.

My Chibi:
Hey, Dazai. Let's go to the bar. My treat.


His lightened up expression darkened as he fought the urge to slid down his phone on his pocket. Dazai was aware that the redhead was the type of easily pissed or mad just because you made a mistake but then the day after he's still going to forgive you.

He don't know if he's going to reply.
The guilt was still in his cold heart for Chuuya.

Or maybe...his pretending cold heart for Chuuya because in everytime he sees the redhead, his brain's going to tell him to stop his affection for the other while his heart tells him to take care and love him.

He can't deny...

He love him after all.

He missed him so bad.

But he needs to hold his self, maybe if he can meet Chuuya at the bar, he can finally tell him to move on.

To break Chuuya's heart...

Is his long time objective.

And before Dazai finally realized that he's still going to reply to the petite male.


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