Chapter 28 pt.2

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Dazai can't stay at office anymore nor at the Café. He don't want to talk to someone at this moment. He want to be alone. Also staying at his apartment with those memories of him and Chuuya will make him feel depressed more.

And with that, he knows where the place to go.

He took a cab to get to the memorial park and once he got arrived there, he bought a bouquet of white flowers to the nearest flowers on there. The vendor was a little girl who's around
9 years old with blue eyes that reminds him of Chuuya.

When he got his change, he was about to walked away but he suddenly halted when he felt someone gripped his coat.

"Oh. What's it?" Dazai crouches so he can talk to the small girl who's holding a red rose.

"Can you take this single rose with you, mister?"

"Hm. Why would I buy that?"

"It's going to dry out. Can you take this, too as long as it's fresh."

"Okay, then. But I don't have left coins. I'm broke right now. Will you accept this lollipop?" Dazai smiles as he pulled out the lollipop and that made the girl beamed, too as she took the it and gave Dazai the rose.

He now walked towards Odasaku's grave but he suddenly caught someone who's sitting behind the tree. It's not really that clear to Dazai's eyes sight so he just walked until he reached it and suddenly let go of the flowers.

Dazai just stopped for a moment, and he really don't know what to do or say.

He want to take his words back. He promised to himself to wait. To let things turn on what should happen.

However, not in times like he was about to lose himself again.

"You seriously left? How could you?" Dazai's eyes watered again.

"Speak of the one who first left," The redhead chuckled as he tap the space beside him where he is sitting. "I have to tell you something."

Dazai didn't hesitate to sit beside the redhead as he leaned on the trunk of the tree.

This moment, as if nothing happened for the passed days. The both of them just let things happen on what would the fate was suppose to do in the future. It's not like they can defy it anymore.

They might be a devastated partners before, but in reality, they don't have the power to control things that they want to predict.

They can't defy what's on them.

Dazai sighed to start a better conversation. "Imagine, it's been 6 years," he then reached for the redhead's hand and intertwined it with his. He tightly gripped it as if he won't let it go easily.

"Yeah." Chuuya now turns to Dazai as the taller male did the same.

"So what are you going to say?" Dazai asked.

Chuuya gathered his full strength to say it all in one word. He's the type of person that is not straight forward but he need to do it quickly.

Russia was waiting for him.

Chuuya suddenly let go of their intertwined hands and make sure that he distant himself. He stood up from the tree and then faced the Odasaku's tombstone.

"I-I can't stay anymore, Dazai."

"But you told me to wait, right?" Dazai hurried to stand up and hugged him from behind.

"Let's just finish everything, can't we? I don't want to hurt you---"

"You're already hurting me, Chuuya. What more if you left me and don't come back?"

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