Chapter 2

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The car ride home was absolute silence. They both were unsure of what to do. They really needed the money but was it worth Sierra giving herself to a man she doesn't even know?

"Sierra, don't tell your mom about this. She'll start to worry and it will only make her condition worse," Lee sighs as they pull up in the driveway.

"I won't. I just don't know what to do. What do you think?" Sierra asks looking over to her father.

"I can't tell you sweetheart. You're 25 now. You have to make this decision on your own. It's your life," Lee gave a little smile, his eyes starting to tear up.

"Oh dad don't cry then you're gonna make me cry!" Sierra said tearing up as well.

"I'm sorry. You're just not my little girl anymore. No matter what decision is made, I either lose you or your mom."

"You won't lose anyone dad. If I do decide to marry him it's not like I'd never see you. I just never saw myself getting married like this. I'd always imagined falling in love with my best friend, just like you and Mom. I don't know anything about this guy. Marrying a stranger? I just don't know."

"Well marriage is a big commitment and it's not easy. Me and your mom have had our rough patches. It's a scary thing even if it's with someone you love. It's not like there's a manual on how to be married."

Sierra sighs. She has a lot to think about and a short amount of time to do it. They both walk inside and see Alice laying on the couch watching tv.

"Hey guys. How did it go?" Alice smiled weakly.

"Hey Mom. I'm not exactly sure," Sierra hugged her mom.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"He said he'll think about it and get back to us in 24 hours," Lee said giving Alice a kiss.

"Well at least there's still hope. Ow!" Alice clenched in pain.

"Mom! Are you ok?" Sierra rushed to her side.

"It's only getting worse. I don't know how much longer I can hold on," Alice cries in pain.

Sierra holds her mom crying her eyes out. She can't lose her mom. She is everything to her. She knows what she has to do.

"It's gonna be ok mom. I know he's going the buy the shop. You're going to get better. I promise," Sierra cries hugging her mom tight.


The next day Sierra woke up and decided to go by herself to tell Mr Tycoon his "great" news. If he's going to be her future husband she needs to talk about some things before sighing her life over to a complete stranger.

She had knots in her stomach as she pulled up to the tall gray building. She took a deep breath and headed inside. She was surprised how different the place looked compared to yesterday.

As she stepped out of the elevator and onto the 30th floor, she approached a woman sitting at a desk by Harvey's office.

"Hello. Do you have an appointment?" Harvey's assistant asks.

"Technically no, but Mr. Stone said to come see him today."

"I'm sorry ma'am but I can't let you in if you don't have an appointment."

Sierra sighed in frustration.

"Ok I understand. I don't want you to get in trouble or anything but I really need to speak with Harvey. I met him at the party last night. I'm here to discuss a deal."

Suddenly the door to Harvey's office opens up.

"It's ok Uma. Come on in," Harvey stands aside letting Sierra in his office, checking her out as she walks in.

"Well, well, well Sierra. It's nice to see you again. You're looking sexier than ever. Come to a decision I see?" Harvey lustfully looks up and down her body making her feel uncomfortable. This didn't help make her decision any easier. How could she live with him if she could barely stand to be in the room with him?

"Yes actually, I did. I accept your proposal," Sierra said closing her eyes feeling defeated.

"I knew you wanted me," he smirked. "Don't look so sad doll face. It makes you look ugly. Alright let's get down to business."

Harvey sat down behind his desk and pulled out a stack of papers.

"This is our contract. Look it over and sign the last page," he handed it to her.

"I didn't know marriage came with so much paperwork," she rolled her eyes.

She sat down and read the contract. Inside had the basics of what marriage is. Promising to be faithful, to honor and charish, to have and to hold in sickness and in health, and a bunch of big fancy words she didn't seem to understand too well. She didn't want him to think she was stupid and make fun of her, so without fully completely understanding everything in the contact, she signed the last paper and handed it back to him.

"Perfect. Now sign at the bottom of the marriage license and we'll be good to go," he smiled wickedly.

"Marriage license? Already? So after I sign this we'll be married?" she asked surprised things were moving so quickly.

"Precisely. I can't wait to have you all to myself," he looked her up and down again sending shivers down her spine.

"What about a reception and inviting my family. I want them to be here for this," she said trying to delay this as long as possible.

"We're having a reception and ceremony next week but we're making it official today. I don't like to wait. Now sign!" He shouted making her jump.

She quickly signed her name and life away to this horrible, rude jerk. Deep down she knew she was doing the right thing. Now her mom would get the help she needed. She was surprised how quickly he managed to put all this together over night. Especially when he wasn't even 100% sure what her decision was going to be. He must really want me to do this. Thinking about the plans he had scared her to her core. She had no idea what this man is capable of.

"Good. Now here's the check for your father," he said handing over a check for a million dollars.

Sierra's eyes opened wide looking at how much he was giving them for their tiny little store.

"Wow! I didn't think you'd give so much. Thank you!" Sierra smiled.

"Yeah well your father mentioned yesterday that your mother was sick. I wanted to make sure you guys had enough money to get her back to good health," he said with a straight face.

'Maybe there's some good in him after all' Sierra thought to herself.

"Alright we did everything we needed to do. I have meetings to get to so get out. Go home, pack up your stuff, and enjoy your last week of freedom. After that, you belong to me," he said with an evil grin.

She stood up and walked back to her car. Her mind kept racing as she worried about what it would be like to be married to him. She looked back down at the check and smiled. She couldn't wait to show her parents.

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