Chapter 8

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Harvey awoke with his head pounding, the room spinning, and a sudden urge to vomit. He stood up and rushed to the bathroom. He didn't make it in time and threw up all over the floor.

"Linda is gonna have fun cleaning this up. What the fuck happened last night?" Harvey asked himself as he tried to remember. He looked over and saw the handcuffs on the floor. His eyes widened as it all came flooding back.

"Fuck..." he sighed. He remembered all the horrible things he did to Sierra. This is why he didn't like drinking because he gets angered easily and turns into a total beast.

'I should go apologize,' he thought feeling guilty.

He quietly walked to her room. He was about to knock on the door when he thought, 'What if she doesn't want to see me? Of course she doesn't want to see me. I'll just leave her alone.' He sighed and headed back to his room doing anything he could to cure his hangover.


Sierra awoke in the shower. She'd been in there all night and wanted to stay in there forever. She didn't mind that her hands and feet were pruney. Her ass still stung and hurt like hell. Her throat was sore from screaming and his dick being shoved down it. Her eyes were swollen from crying and her head was pounding from the hangover.

'How much longer do I have to put up with this? Oh yeah, forever,' she thought sadly. She wanted to cry but she couldn't. She was dried out from last night. It was the absolute worst night of her life. She could've died right there and would've finally been happy. Anything to get away from this abusive rapist.

She didn't see any other way out. She summoned up all the strength she had, got out of the shower, and got dressed.

She grabbed her keys to her car and headed towards the door. She ran into Harvey along the way.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"I'm going to see my parents. I miss them. I was going to text you once I left," she whispered looking down. She didn't want to see him.

"Fine. Go and be back in 2 hours," he said sternly. He wanted more than anything to say sorry but he couldn't do it.

He saw a tear roll down her cheek as she headed out the door. He was angry with himself for what he did and the fact that he couldn't apologize.


'Where is she? She was supposed to be home 20 minutes ago!' He thought, anger coursing through his veins. He called and text her over 15 times and she wasn't replying. He thought about her tracking device and went on his phone to track her down.

'What? It says she's at home but that's impossible. Unless...' he thought. He bolted to her room. He opened the door to find her ring next to her night stand.

"That bitch! She's always breaking the rules! No matter how hard I punish her, she doesn't listen!!" he shouted absolutely enraged.

He took out his phone and called his private investigator.

"Charlie, I need you to find Sierra and get back to ASAP! Do it now!" he shouted and hung up.

He grabbed her bed and flipped it over. He went to her closet and took out all of her clothes, tossing them on the ground. He knocked all of her personal items on the ground smashing a few things. He kicked over her dresser, everything falling out, including a book.

He stopped destroying as soon as he saw what the book was. It was a diary. He picked it up and opened it, reading the contents.

*Today is the day. The day I sell my life away to this guy I don't even know. I'm going to keep this dairy to write out everything. I have a feeling I won't be able to talk to anyone much once I become his. He scares me, but he's very attractive. I'll give him a chance but I'm not getting my hopes up.

Harvey smiled as he read her entry. He kept on reading.

*I absolutely HATE him! He is a psychopath! He has all these rules he's expects me to follow like I'm some slave! And the worst part is if I break them I get punished like I'm a child. Pretty sure this isn't how marriage is supposed to work. I'm going to do my best but I'm not sure how this is going to work out.

He frowned at this entry. He didn't consider her feelings at all.

*If I thought I hated him before, I hate him even more now. Last night he forced himself on me. I mean I knew it was coming because we're married and he has his rules, but I didn't want it. I begged him not to and he still did. I feel dirty and ashamed.

He really felt like a jerk at this point. But he kept on reading.

*My mom is doing so much better. I'm happy with the decision I made even if it means putting up with that asshole. I love my mom so much. She's worth every pain. He did tell me tonight that we're going to Japan in the morning. I've never been and I'm actually really excited! I just hope he isn't a jerk and ruins everything.

He grins as he reminisced about their night in Japan. He read the next entry.

*Things between me and Harvey have been surprisingly great. I'm not sure what happened but I'm going to enjoy this as long as I possibly can. Japan was amazing and the time we shared together was perfect. I'm scared but this time not because of him, but because of me. Because of my heart. I think I'm starting to fall for him. Something tells me not to but I can't help it. Every time I look into his beautiful blue eyes, and every time he touches me, it's like I'm in a different world. We talk, laugh, and play together. He's like my best friend. It feels really good being around him now. I really hope nothing happens to mess anything up. I've never been this happy.

Harvey's heart skips a beat and warms as he read what she wrote. He never knew she felt this way. Little did she know, he felt the exact same way about her. He never told her or acted like it. He doesn't let anyone get close to him. When you let people get close to you, they have a chance to hurt or leave you. He's been hurt enough in his life, he didn't want her hurting him to. It just dawned on him how much he'd been hurting her just to avoid his own heartbreak. He looked back down at the diary to see one last entry.

*This is it. Yesterday was officially the worst day of my life. It didn't start out that way. I got a brand new beautiful car, I pampered myself, then Harvey and I went out to the club for my birthday. It was absolutely perfect and completely magical, until he had to ruin it. This other asshole at the club was touching me and I couldn't fight him off. I was too drunk and weak. When I heard him I thought he was coming to my rescue. I thought he was my super man. Turns out he's nothing more than a villain. He called me horrible names, he abused me, and he raped me. I'm in so much pain, physically and emotionally. He punished me for something I didn't even do. I was completely innocent. I can't take it anymore. I'm done! He's nothing but a monster.

He started crying as he stared at the page. He didn't want to hurt her. He feels so stupid for everything. He looked around and saw what he did to her room in his fit of rage, guilt washing over him.

"She's right, I am a monster," he whispered to himself tears falling down his face.

His phone rang, making him jump.

"Charlie? Have you found her?"

"Yes boss, but I have bad news. Her car was wrapped around a pole. She's in the intensive care unit. Not sure if she's going to make it. I'm sorry," he said and hung up.

Harvey stood in her trashed room, his heart feeling like it was shattered. His stomach turned in knots. He cried out loud, the tears falling fast and heavy. He ran to his car and headed to the hospital, praying to a God he didn't believe in, hoping that she'd be alright.

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