Comfort(Rosetail/Bluestar/Thrushpelt x Heartbroken!Fem!Reader)

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Headcannons in this part: Lesbian Rosetail, Bisexual Bluestar, and Transgender Thrushpelt
Your POV
I locked eyes with the tom I had fallen for. Adderfang just stared into my eyes, his yellow ones piercing my heart worse then a badger bite. "A-are you happy?", I questioned, my mew shaky. "I dont want kits.", was all the tom said before turning away, walking to Robinwing. I felt tears trickle down my face. I quickly turned away and stalked off to the nursery, my head low. Bluefur turned her head once I walked in, a slight smile on her face before it was wiped off by my teary eyes. "What happened?", Her mew was concerned, and almost scared. "H-he said h-he doesn't want k-k-kits", I whimpered out, falling onto my belly and sobbing. Rosetail rushed to me, her dark ginger tail laying over my shoulders. "oh Y/w/n! That's horrible!", Thrushpelt mewed, laying beside me. The tom wrapped his tail around mine, his eyes teary. "I-I'll raise them, s-say I'm the dad!", he mewed, his ears low at my sadness. My voice broke as I talked, "People already think your Mosskit, Stonekit, and Mistykit's father, It would be to much for you! not to mention that you want to be a she-cat, I can't put my kits on you while your figuring out yourself and helping Bluefur." Rosetail frowned and Bluefur nuzzled into my neck, her nose laying under my muzzle. "We'll raise our kits together", something about her tone made me think everything she said was a lie. "Yeah. And if you ever need to, I swear I will take in your kits.", I mewed back, and she flinched in shock. "H-how did you...", she cut herself off and stared at my face before smiling warmly and cuddling Mosskit, Mistykit, and Stonekit between us. Rosetail laid her head on mine, and Thrushpelt mewed out," We love you, Y/W/N."

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