Ch. 12

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Trevor and I have been living behind the Church for two weeks now, and no one notices. We attend, but we make sure we are the last people in the building and the first people out. I pray every night that we a job opening will come, but no luck yet. Just hang in there.
As Alec and I cuddle behind the church, I remember I have an engagement ring that is worth hundreds! Christmas is coming up soon, and I know all he wants is a very small apartment with a kitchen, living room and bathroom, he talks in his sleep. Tomorrow while he is at the phone place selling our phones, I will be pawning! He knows I will be pawning, but I told him I would be pawning an old dress suit of mine.
When I get done at the phone place, I immediately run straight to Pawn Mine a block away to show Trevor the $150! When I get there, I see him pawning the engagement ring! I immediately storm up there. "Trevor, this is your engagement ring! Not an old suit like you told me! Why would you pawn it? Don't you love me, or is it the fact that you wanted to go back home?! You should've told me! I would've called this off in a heart beat if you wanted to go back home! I know what it's like the have no parents, and I don't want you loosing yours over someone me." I finish out to only have the guy at the counter stare at us, and Trevor with rivers leaking out of his eyes.
"I love you more than anything and anybody in this whole world! Parents? Who needs them? You aren't worthless; you are perfect. I was pawning this ring because....because... you talk in your sleep. You said you wanted nothing more for Christmas than a very small apartment that has a living room, kitchen and rest room. I looked in the paper that someone threw out behind the Church, where we live, and I saw one for $150 a month. I figured we could live off this for a few months, and find another job that doesn't have a homophobic prick. Please, don't leave!" I sobbed to him as he just held me close and kissed my hair.
" Hey guys. This ring looks to be about $5,000 not $700. I just had to shine it. We are doing this thing today that if you bring in something that is $1000 and didn't know it, we let you keep the object and give you the money!" I interrupted their moment. I just got payed last week by my job here, $120.65, and working as a lawn care which is $600 per week( I do over twenty lawns a day). I have just the money. They look at me with such thanks and appreciation because they know I just made that up. Remembering his name from earlier, Trevor is still curled into his fiancé. They are truly in love. They both suffocate me in a hug before turning to kiss each other with tears of joy threatening to leak out of their eyes.
We aren't homeless! Now we have a bed and some more items that we got from the same pawn shop! We got everything for $87. We can't thank him enough!

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