Even Ghosts Aren't Excused

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I am really really sorry for not posting. It's just that since 9th grade started there has been a heck lot of drama and stress in my life and I wasn't in the condition to write but here you guys go another chapter. I love you all 💕.

Y/n's Pov:
For real though getting petrified is hard like literally I have nothing to do but think. I can't even eat even though I don't feel hungry but I want to feel the taste of many dishes. Wow like literally I only care about food. It's been a while since anyone came to see me. The trio and Y/f/n haven't came for 2 days. What if they forgot about me? What if they don't want to meet me anymore? I shouldn't think negative but what else could be the reason, I mean I guess they are busy with studies.

Hermione's Pov:
Justin Flinch Fletchely is scared of Harry because he thinks Harry is the heir of Slytherin and not only him, many people also think that he is the heir of Slytherin. But it's quite interesting how he can speak parseltoungue.

I was in the great Hall for dinner but suddenly Harry started to hear something, so he went outside to listen. Me and Ron started to follow him too. We were following after Harry when suddenly he stopped with  a terrifying look in his eyes. We went towards him but what I saw was far scarier than I thought. Justin Flinch Fletchely was their but he was petrified, but one more thing caught my eye, Nearly Headless Nick was also petrified even though he is a ghost. My blood ran cold. I was scared.

I heard alot of footsteps coming towards us. Oh no! Dinner was over and all the houses were heading towards their common rooms but they stopped as soon as they saw the scenario. More people will now suspect that Harry is the heir. The professors also came with Dumbledore too.

"What happened here?" Asked Professor McGonagall. She was looking at Harry.

"Professor, I don't know what happened and I didn't do it" Harry replied.

Dumbledore looked worried. He then started to discuss something with the professors.

"All students please go to your respected common rooms except for you Mr Potter" Dumbledore said.

Me and Ron headed towards the Gryffindor common room.

Y/n's Pov:
I was just thinking of all the delicious foods that I miss when all of a sudden I heard Madam Pomfrey ranting about something to someone.

"How did Mr Fletchely get petrified?" Madam Pomfrey asked someone.

"He saw the thing which petrified it through Sir Nicholas which ended up petrifying both Mr Fletchely and Sir Nicholas." I think that was Professor Dumbledore.

Oh my! Another petrification but this time a ghost also got petrified. Whatever is roaming the school must be quite dangerous.

"What is Mr Potter doing here?" asked Madam Pomfrey.

"Oh, I just need to talk to him." Replied Professor Dumbledore.

"Mr Potter any thing you would like to tell me?" Dumbledore asked Harry.

"Nothing professor." Harry replied.

"Are you sure?" Asked Dumbledore again.

"Yes sir" Harry replied.

He is lying. I can easily tell by the tone of his voice. I have missed on so many interesting things this year. This year is probably the most bland.

But now I am quite scared of whatever is roaming the school. Just thinking about it is giving me chills. (btw if you are a limelight, have you listened to chills? It's so great 💕).

I am scared, what if the school has to shut down because of whatever beast is roaming the school. But who is the heir of Slytherin. Whoever it is, they are causing quite a big trouble at school.


How was this chapter? I know I posted after a heck lot of long time so I am really sorry but school is doing me bad. How is your 2020 going so far? Don't forget to vote. Ok byeeee!


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