Welcome 2020 - A Brand New Contests!

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Welcome all! I'm glad you found your way here with little trouble.

This is an exciting new adventure in the age of contests for all of us! We're setting out to double down on our skills, and 1-Up on our stories.

Before we dive headfirst into that great big year, I'd like to say some important things:


If you have been with us for a long time, you might know that our entire goal is to build a community that grows together. If you are new to the contests, then, firstly, welcome, but also, I hope you find in us a community that supports you, helps you develop your skills, and helps you waste time.

Through the (almost) year that I have been a judge for these Weekly Wattpad Contests, I have come to learn that writing does not have to be a solitary craft. There are people out here who would love to help you, and who would love your help. I am almost completely certain that most of our contestants are friends who support each other, their stories, and their wacky ideas.

While most of our contests are, indeed, contests, we do have the occasional Community Project, in which all entrants work together to solve mysteries, survive the apocalypse, catch the villain, or war on monsters - but mostly to craft the greatest collaborative work Wattpad has ever known.

Even beyond all that, we, the judges, are entrants as well. The four of us are volunteers who dedicate our time and creative effort to something we are passionate about, and we want to share this passion with you. Your voice is always heard, and we take into account your ideas. We work with some other constant entrants who help with graphics, moderation and administration, screening, and babysitting (since our judges, entrants, et alibi, are all miscreant creatives who like to cause shenanigans).

Whether you are new here, or a returning entrant, I hope fervently that you find a home of peer support, even apart from the contests themselves. We have a lovely little discord community (occasionally warzone, due to shenanigans) which has really allowed us to grow as friends. You are always welcome to join! Just ask one of our judges for an invite, and they will send it your way.


As I mentioned, we are geared towards growth. Most of our contests aim to introduce strange new ideas to foster personal development and skill development. We do not offer monetary rewards or trophies - but we do offer recognition and insight. We are a far cry from a team of experts, but we like to think we have at least something going on.

If you are unfamiliar or confused with the format of our contests, DON'T PANIC. SO ARE WE. We are constantly changing, always looking for a footing in the current topology of our community.

Circa August 2018 (He means 2019, Rene doesn't understand how time works - Lyss) I have taken on board three new judges, who help keep my power-hungry personality in check, and together we have been working on various systems to streamline the judging process. I would not claim that it is all perfect yet, but with your patience and cooperation, we might get pretty darn close.

Our philosophy, overall, is that we can all learn from our winners, and it is our judicial duty to help along in this process. We select the best entries and point out how we can learn from them and what we should take away from the exercise overall.

We encourage all entrants to help each other out, to impart wisdom and to learn from each other. We are a community, and weRe building it together.


We honestly, openly, and actively encourage all our entrants and judges to participate in the online Wattpad community. We have members who are active participants in other communities, which you will hear about throughout our time together.

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