Results #1: Vignettes and Slices

901 18 6

That time has come, when the votes are in (we were voting - what?) and the birds have sung - brief songs that trill out melodies of visions that flash and fade.

That is to say, we've had some entries. We're not declaring winners this week - we've had four entries - but feel free to check them out and love them, because I sure did!

A Woman, A Child and a Tree - VexHellfire

I'm glad Vexy has taken up the challenge so eagerly (I think the allowable chaos entices her - she generally likes that jazz). True to the Vignette style, we have an isolated piece that translates (correct me if I'm wrong) desire and regret from a perspective of growth into that of a child's story. When you promise a child a story, you better deliver.

I think the form was done very well - it's short, it's concise, it's enticing, it's visual, it's thematic.

Perhaps a bit obscure, but that might just be me.

Her Cleansing Ritual - GalaRu57

Gala brought something odd into the Slice of Life style story - This particular slice is one of escape, and it's beautiful.

Our character is going through some things, many things probably, but this is her moment to escape and deal with that in privacy. There might not be a lot of growth, or a lot of character explanation, but we don't need that. This is a private moment, painted in a private scene, where the darkness and light have their time to fight in the simplicity of an everyday ritual.

I'd say Wattpad reads differently, and the physical writing form needs a bit of work, but it's a beautiful piece.

Cold Longing - Acerodon_Tepez

This story, while one interesting hook for a novel, isn't what we'd expect from a vignette under normal circumstances, and it teeters on the borders of a cinematic trailer.

But, it serves its purpose well. Vignettes are, after all, cinematic slices of much grander stories, leaving a little taste of the plot without indulging in it.

I think it's a wonderfully cold visual, even if the plot itself doesn't necessarily interest me.

Don't We All - 


Don't We All combines my short reviews of the previous two. It's a cinematic vignette that seems to focus on a private moment, when an important change happens in the character.

It gives a strong hint to much larger and grand world existing, while keeping it localised and focusing only on the issues it brings up.

It can't tell whether it's the end of the story or the beginning, so I'mma say it's somewhere in the middle and that it would do wonders for a full narrative.

If you've missed this contest, and would like to participate, be sure to lookout for the contest today!

Much affection, little distraction,


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