Contest 1: Vignettes and Slices

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Alrighty, Contestants!

This week, to begin things off, we're starting with some prep work for our usual contests.

The prompt is similar to one of my first contests as a judge for you, so I'm drowning in nostalgia.

A Vignette is a short piece that details one or two scenes that take place in a much larger story. As opposed to a Slice of Life, Vignettes aim to highlight an important detail of the grander scheme so that the reader (or viewer) can form a basic understanding of a story without having to indulge in it completely. A series of Vignettes is called a Montage, which you might be more familiar with. Vignettes invariably give the reader insight into the story while building a strong atmosphere.

Vignettes don't require a main conflict or a resolution, and don't need to adhere to any specific genre.

A Slice of Life is a short piece that details a scene that takes place in no context, requires no context, and provides no context to anything. As opposed to a Vignette, a Slice of Life gives the reader (or viewer) a demonstration of ordinary life outside the main action of the story. Occasionally, these are used as a break between large plot points, or to dissipate tension, or demonstrate life after or before the main conflict of the story. Slices of Life invariably give a reader insight into the narrative world, or the character without fixating on any specific plot.

The purpose of Vignettes and Slices of Life are to create atmospheric pieces that explore ideas which the reader can respond to in some way. We often use them to consider seemingly arbitrary events in a new light.

If you want a little more insight, take a look at the results for Contest #36 in the Weekly Wattpad Contests book.

Your task this week is to write a Vignette or a Slice of Life story around a character who is dealing with one of the following themes:

Desire and Regret

Anger and Patience

Dedication and Ambition

Adventure and Longing

Compassion and Naivety

Your criteria are:

Remember that they're supposed to be short pieces – for a Vignette, somewhere between 500 – 1500 words should do, and for a Slice of Life, somewhere between 1000 - 2000.

Try to focus on the relevant details for your chosen style. Decide what is important and try to frame it in a narrative suitable to your style.

The crafty and interesting use of language is important for these pieces. Consider the way you pose sentences, and whether they achieve your goal.

Creativity isn't key for these. We want you to focus on your writing skill, so you won't be judged on how interesting your plot or your world or characters are.

Be sure to make a piece that a reader can enjoy out of context. If somebody happens across your story, with no idea about this contest, then they should still enjoy it.


The three selected entrants will receive a shoutout as well as a review about their piece in the results chapter.

To enter, simply comment on this chapter and be sure to include the title of the book your piece is in, as well as the chapter title.

Make sure that you tag Contests and TimberWoolf in the chapter (you can also tag QueenXirinofArvada, Kiradog234and if you want.)

Your piece can be part of an ongoing story, or a stand-alone, but the judges won't be reading any other pieces for context, so make sure that it's not necessary to do so.

It's not mandatory, but if you want to help get our 2020 contests started, invite some friends to come and participate.

Pieces are due by 16 February 2020 and the results will be posted on 23 February 2020.

We encourage you to read other entries and interact with your fellow contestants! Let's get the community started on a good note this year!

With much encouragement and anticipation

TimberWoolf, The Almighty Worm in the Soil.

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