Chapter 1 - Enter: Hiro Emiko

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One individual was sleeping soundly and blissfully, ignorant to the fact that she was about to be extremely late for her first day of school.

    "Emi... Don't you have school today?" Her mother tapped gently on her shoulder.

    "Five more minutes, Mom."

    "Are you sure? It's 7:30. Your school is a 15 minute walk away and you haven't dressed or eaten any breakfast."

    Emiko Hiro opened her eyes squinting at the brightness the crack of the door provided. "7:30? My alarm hasn't gone off yet. I set it for 7:10."

    "I heard it that's why I thought you were up. I thought you turned it off."

    Emiko was wide awake now and panicking about how she was going to make it to school on time. "What's for breakfast?"

    "Omurice with fish." Emiko's stomach growled.

    "I guess I'm going to be late."

    At 7:50 AM, Emiko was walking to school with a spring in her step and thinking to herself 'If it takes me 15 minutes to get to school and another five minutes to find my classroom, I'll probably be late for 10 minutes. I don't think that will matter much. I'm a new student after all. I could have gotten lost. I shouldn't have been reading too much manga either. I think I slept at 3 AM before I passed out. I should sleep earlier.'  But we all know that we don't sleep earlier even if we say we should.

    Eventually, after Mr. Matsuzaki told Emiko that she was late as a welcome greeting to PK Academy, he then told her where the room was. She knocked on the door feeling all the nervousness making her heart beat faster.

    "Can I have everyone's attention? We have a new student today."

    The lively classroom hushed as they were all excited to see who this new student was. 

    Emiko stepped inside the class with her head bowed low. As she made her way to the front, she bowed to her classmates and introduced herself with a clear voice.

 "Hi, everyone. I'm Hiro Emiko. I transferred here from Hokkaido so everything here is very new to me. I'd love to get to know you all and I hope that we can be good friends."

    'Short but sweet.' Emiko thought to herself.

    The class was very silent after that introduction mostly because they were taking in the features of the girl.   She was stunning, rather on the short side (as a lot of asians are), she had beautifully almond shaped green eyes and long and soft rosy-brown hair. 

    Emiko coughed to get their attention or to let them know that she didn't feel comfortable with the staring.

      "You're all staring. Hahaha! It's making me a bit nervous. Do any of you have questions?" She asked shyly.

    Several hands shot up in the air.

    "How old are you?"


    "Do you have a boyfriend?"


    This went on for a bit until Emiko looked at her teacher with a pleading face.

    "All right students, that's enough. Emiko, why don't you sit next to..." She scanned the room for an empty seat. 'Figures.' She thought to herself as she spotted the one seat that was empty. "Sit beside Nendou over there."

    'Nendou? Is she crazy? Is she trying to scare Emiko on her first day?' Was the collective thought of the class. Saiki, though he couldn't care less, agreed.

    "I'm Nendou!" Said the boy in a loud voice. "Nice to meet you."

    'He looks kinda scary.' Thought Emiko.

    'He is scary. So scary that I can't read his mind. Makes him really unpredictable... Just like a cockroach.' Thought Saiki.

    'But he does seem polite so he might not be THAT scary.' She thought reassuring herself. "Hello, Nendou." She said with a smile as she sat on her seat.  She noticed people around her look back at where she was sitting, evidently curious. 

    As if hearing the thoughts around her, Emiko sighed. 'This is gonna be a long day.'

    Saiki couldn't help but agree.

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