Chapter 23: Happy Birthday, Emiko!

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Author's Note:  Here's a long chapter since it's Emiko's birthday month.  I hope you guys enjoy!

Emiko sat on her bed hugging her knees.  It was 8:00 am and it was a Saturday, not to mention, it was also her birthday.  Her parents had meetings but they said they'll back by dinner and her mother made a reservation for a nice restaurant where they'll celebrate.  Emiko sighed.  Silence made her remember things like her last birthday.  It wasn't a happy one.  

She remembered sitting in her room, or cell for that matter.  Singing herself a sad happy birthday.   Where she was, she didn't know.  All she knew was that she was invited to become a scholar for this institute that recognised young, extremely gifted individuals.  Either they were unbelievably intelligent or if, like her, they had powers or strange abilities.   Against her grandmother's wishes, she attended the school and everything seemed fine during the first quarter, they actually schooled her.  Then the second quarter came and they trained her for combat though she wasn't made clear on as to why.  Third quarter happened and they took her blood for medical reasons saying the school needed her records.  Then they just kept taking her blood, then her hair, her nails, scraped some of her skin.  This went on until the fourth quarter where they congratulated her on doing well on her first year saying that it was all part of a process for something bigger than all of them and she should be proud of herself and that the next year held much more and would really increase her potential.  When she got home, she refused to go back no matter how much they pleaded.  

One day, she just woke up in the institute with no recollection of how she got there.  Her only clothes were suits of black and red for training and white medical gowns for testing.  Each had a symbol of a wing and a snake together.   She counted the days she was there wondering if her family knew where she was or if they were looking for her.  She was cuffed with power limiters so she wouldn't escape.  Every week, they'd bring her to the lab and and test how her body would react to different kinds of matter and energy.  Many, if not all, were extremely painful. 

Luckily, she made three friends.  A blonde boy that was two years older than her, he was known as the genius who the institute ordered to make tech,  a purple haired boy that was four years older who had the power of memory altercation. He was the kindest one to her and his presence soothed her and finally, a girl a year younger than Emiko whose blood could heal almost any injury, she was like the sister she never had.  She was the one taken most to the lab and they tried their best to make a serum out of her blood but she weakened every time they took a sample.  It was on Emiko's birthday (the one she is recalling) that her friend had died out of her weakened state.  Emiko was furious and went out of control that she broke her limiter and destroyed almost the whole building.  She was then sedated and put in a cramped cell where she sang a pitiful happy birthday to herself and then made the promise that she would do anything for the people she cared about.  That she would stand up for those who were being wronged no matter what.  

She stopped there.  Her memories of her past were mostly in fragments and it hurt her head when she tried to remember them all which is why she kept them suppressed sooner or later, she vowed she will remember them all so she can return and destroy the place that killed her friend and many others.  

She's grateful that she met Kusuo, because he can really help her control her powers so that one day, she can remove the limiter that is pinned to her spine.  

She stood up from her bed and sighed.  She stood in front of her mirror and looked at the roots of her hair.   She saw that her natural hair colour was starting to show.  

"Mmmm.. We can't have that."  She softly to herself.  "Where did I put my dye... Oh here." 

She sat in front of the mirror as she mixed her dye.  When it was ready, she lathered it to the roots of her hair before waiting for an hour.  

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