Chapter 5 - Malling

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It's been a couple of weeks since Emiko's eventful first day. A lot has happened since then. She and Saiki have developed a routine of walking together to school and down the road, and would later be joined by Nendou and Kaido. Emiko made a lot of friends and admirers in her class and other classes and is (unsurprisingly) pretty popular, much to Teruhashi's distaste.

The class (or school, thanks to gossip) learned that Emiko was a pretty well-rounded individual. She was extremely intelligent, capable and quick to lend a hand whenever needed.  She was

'Almost perfect.'  Saiki thought. Being a little wary of Emiko, he would observe her and noticed tiny things that she did, for instance, she would make sure her pencil case, text books-basically everything on her table had to be perfectly parallel to each other.  He noticed another time that when she was talking to Chiyo during recess that while she would gently adjust the bow of Chiyo's uniform and made sure it was symmetrical.  Another example was when Emiko would problem solve on the blackboard, she used her pinky finger to smudge excess lines of the letter she would and made sure they were perfectly aligned.  What Saiki would do with this information, he didn't know, but at least it was something odd that he noted.

"Hello, Misterrr Saiki!" Greeted Emiko cheerfully.

He passed by her house as it was part of the way to school, just looked at her, nodded and kept walking on.

"Well aren't you in a wonderful mood this morning." She teased.

Saiki didn't even look at her and continued on his path.

"Silence? You want silence? Got it!" She grinned with a thumbs up.

She was quiet the whole time and kept smiling all the way through, greeting people with a bow of her head as she walked beside Kusuo.

'Stop it.'

"Stop what?" She smiled.

'You're so noisy.'

"Huh? I'm not even saying anything." She smiled innocently.

'Your energy is so loud.'

"Oh is that so? Let me tone it down." She said mischievously. She looked at Kusuo, she looked at his steps and imitated him.

'What are you doing?'

"Toning it down! I'm copying you and your lifelessness since my energy is too much."

Saiki didn't say anything because he didn't want to.

"Hey, Best Buddy and Gal!" Cried a familiar voice.


"How are we doing this morning?"


"Nendou!" Emiko said "This morning, we have to respect Saiki and be quiet! He says our energy is too much!"

"It is?" Nendou asked dumbly.

"It is!" Said Emiko "Now, since we're such good friends, we have to respect him and match him! We have to copy the way he walks, talks and how he constantly glares at people!"

'Please don't.'

"Saiki said this?" Nendou asked confused.

"Saiki DESIRES this!" She answered with a fire in her eyes.

'Good grief.'

From then on, the three of them have been walking in silence matching Saiki's footsteps. Said boy was not amused. But he did appreciate the silence.

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