Dix- Neuf

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PhillyApril 710am

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April 7

I woke up to the sun shining brightly in my face and a raging headache.

It sounding like somebody was literally kicking the door.

Megan hadnt moved a muscle as she had her hands wrapped around me.

I groaned getting out of bed realizing I was naked, I threw on my robe heading the door.

As I opened it, there stood Justin and Kelsey with their bags looking at me like I was crazy.

"the fuck yall looking at?"
"Bitch we been at this door for like 10 minutes. Where is Megan? We gotta get to moving."
"She still sleep?"
"Man. This why she shouldnt turn up with the hotties."
"Shut up Justin. You a hater."
"Whatever. Go wake ya wife and tell ha she got 30 minutes to get her shit and be on the bus."
"Yeah sure," i said walkin back to the bedroom.

"Megan," i said with kisses against her jawline.

She squirmed under me , "Hmm?"
"Get up baby girl,"

"No," she said pulling me into her.
"Aye if you dont get up the bus gon leave without you."
"and if i do get up, I leave without you."
"I know."
"I love you Jasmyn and I wanna marry you and have some more big headed babies running around."
"My kids aint big headed."
"They is jus like they mama."
"which is you so yup , you right," I said getting out of her hold.

"My flight is at 2pm. Yall leave in 30 minutes so you better get up for real Megan."

"UGH," she said loudly before snatching the cover off of her and gettin up.

"Let me get 10 minutes with you. Its gon be the last time in a while," she said wrapping her arms around my waist from behind pressing her bare breast into my back.
"10 minutes, dont be loud. Justin and Kelsey out there."
"Its you that be loud, not me," she said undoing my robe


I watched Megan as she began to get dressed to leave.

"You bringing the kids to my show in ATL right?"
"Yes baby. We all will be there, even Kylie."
"Good. I miss my babies."
"You taking Haylie to the studio for real?"
"If you must know, yes I am."
"Okay. Six flags?"
"Six Flags, can we go?"
"I dont know baby. I'll have to see."
"Give this to Haylie,"she said throwing a velvet box at me
"Whats this?"
"Just give it to my baby. Bubbas isn't done yet."
"What is it?"
"Girl look at it"

Justin knocked on the door.
"We gotta go meg!"

I walked up to her trying to hold the tears back.

"Two weeks, Ill see you in two weeks baby. Dont cry."
"I love you."
"I love you too," she said before giving me a kiss I wished that could last forever.

I walked them to the door.

"Yall be safe."
"We will, dont miss your flight Jasmyn," Kelsey said sending me a middle finger with a laugh
"Whatever bitch bye."

Megan Gave me one more kiss before leaving for real.

I huffed and flopped on the couch.
She had just left and I already missed her.

But back to the regularly scheduled program.

Work and Kids.


After dealing with delayed flights, I was finally home. I just wanted to lay in my bed.

But i'll have to settle for Kylies.

I unlocked her apartment door and was quickly met with Haylie running at me.

"Hey baby girl," I said picking her up.
"I missed you"
"I missed you too. Look, mama got you something before she left to New York."
"What is it?"
"Open it up."

Alright so once again, lets use our imagination

 So this is Megan's chain ight?So we gon imagine that it says "Lil Stalli" for Haylie

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So this is Megan's chain ight?
So we gon imagine that it says "Lil Stalli" for Haylie.

"OH MY GOD. This hoe fireeeeee!"

I almost slapped tf outta Haylie.
"What did you just say?"
"Im sorry Mommy. I didnt mean to cuss."
"Well you did and you said it casually so give me the chain back."
"because it is wayy past your bedtime snd you dont need it right now anyway so go to bed. Goodnight."

She handed me the box back with her head down.
"Good night," she mumbled.

I sat on the couch next to Kylie.
"Hey sisssyy."
"uh uh because I know she got that from you."
"Got what?"
"oh my god. this hoe fire," Jasmyn mocked.

"She might have."
"I outta fight you."
"Do it," Kylie said laughing snatching the box from Jasmyn, "Let me look at this muthafaka. Ohh dis bitch niceee."

"It is isnt it?"
"You aint got one?"
"I dont want one."
"You a I dont want one lie. You go crazy for chains."
"Im not lying."
"So you, Jasmyn Houston, My big sister are telling me, the person who you've known for 23 years that you dont want a iced out chain from your wife."
"Yep," I said turning away from her.
"You a damn lie. Im finna call Megan and tell her to get you one."
"Dont do that Kylie bitch."
"Why not?"
"I dont want one."
"Is it that you don't want one or you dont want Megan spending money on you? Hmm?"

I rolled my eyes at her

"She's been spending enough money on me. She probably got one made already."
"Damn. You got that girl whipped. And she got you whipped. This shit crazy. You lucky I love you or I woulda been embarrassed you."

"On that note, Im going to bed, in this case your bed."
"Girl no you not. You sleep too wild."
"No I dont!"
"Go sleep with Haylie."
"I wish tf I would. Good night lil seester."
"Good night asshole.

I wrote this is 1hr without looking back so it is what it is😭🤷🏾‍♀️

Idk wtf i jus wrote

Feelin dumb might delete later

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