Chapter 8: Battle in the Snow (Part 1)

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Ashley's feet hit the forest floor hard as she ran. The sound of the fresh snow crunching underneath her shoes sounded through the forest. Dodging the tall trees as she ran. Leaping over rocks and fallen trees as they crossed her path. There was no noise around her, no birds chirping in the trees or the hooves of any animal. It was just her feet crushing the fresh snow and the wind swooshing past her. Her thoughts were about the Cullen's and the memories they have given her in the minuscule amount of days she had with them.

Ashley slipped to a stop and looked at the large cliff in front of her. She scanned the surrounding area to see a way up. With a smile she stepped back far enough, just past a fallen tree. With a deep breath she ran at the fallen tree and pushed herself into the air, she smashed her foot against the tree to her left and pushed herself higher up too grab a thick tree branch. She flipped herself around so she was standing on the branch. Steadying herself she jumped from it to grab another branch meters in front of her. She swung herself from the branch onto a small ledge on the cliff face. It was only about 15 cm thick ledge, if lucky. Clinging to the rock face she shuffled across to a crack that lead to the top of the cliff. She put both her hands into the crack and howled herself up the cliff.

Once at the top, she knelt down on her right knee, composing her breath as the pain in her chest grew. She shakily stood to her feet while shaking her head to get her to focus on the task in front. With one more deep controlled breath she took off running the forest again. She ran as fast as her feet would carry her. She jumped through v-cut trees and over a small stream, until she finally stopped a few meters from the clearing. Ashley took the pistol out of its holster and prepped it ready to fire. Quickly placing it back in to holster on her right hip, she took her bow off her back and reached behind her to pull out an arrow. She strung it up and stroked the feather flights as her fingers landed on the string ready to pull.

" Oh God are father, who art in heaven. Give me strength to defend those I hold dear. Help me protect what is right and just. Amen." Ashley prayed as she walked towards the clearing. She feet pressing the snow flat. Ashley was never one to pray normal, but she knew right now. She needed all the help she could get. The tree past her and in front was a vast clearing of snow. She walked out towards the centre and stopped. She waited around three minutes before a man walked out from the other side of the clearing. He wore red leather, he was closely followed by the rest of the hunter's. They were all shapes of sizes and heights.

" Well, well Sparrow? All alone? What your precious Cullen's abandoned you?" Red spoke to her, using the nickname he had given her. Ashley growled to him annoyed as he stopped walking. There was a fairly large area between them.

" I left them, I have told you many times. Do not call me that." Ashley growled to him. She closed her eyes and sighed softly. He really has not changed at all from the last they meet.

" So will you give up peacefully? Or are you going to have to just kill you now?" He asked her pulling out his sword from his waist. Threatening her with a smirk. Ashley rolled her eyes.

" If I go with you now, will you leave the Cullen's alone?" Ashley asked him. She knew that even if he said yes, he would go after them anyway.

" If I said yes, would you believe me?" He asked shrugging his shoulder to her. Ashley smirked with a chuckle and looked to the ground.

" I can never trust anything you say." Ashley told him. Red snickers as he head fell back looking to the sky.

" So?!" He said flicking his head back to look at her with a more serious look in his eyes. Ashley's back straightened quickly ready for an attack. Her fingers curled slightly more around the string of her bow.

" Are you gonna come quietly?" He asked her. Ashley smirked and looked at him.

" You should know me by now. Quiet..." Ashley said as she scrunched one side of her face while shaking her head side to side.

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