Chapter 5: Burden

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Just so you guys know. Listen to this song while ready. I wrote this chapter while listening to it :D And thank you for your support on this book :D


Jasper skidded the car into a stop gliding over the snow. He did not even wait for the car to fully stop when he jumped out and ran over to Ashley's side and pulled Hey out. Her limp body was coughing in his arms as Jasper walked into the house in heist.

" Jasper!" Alice cried as he ran into the house. Edward was close behind as Carlisle pushed through. Blood dripped from her mouth as she continued to cough but these coughs were softer than before.

"She is letting me hear her. All she can think about is pain." Edwards said add they ran up to Carlisle's office. Carlisle moved everything off his desk and Jasper placed her onto it.

" Carlisle, her future. Its disappearing!" Alice said in a little shock as she tried to search for her future. But it was all fading away. Carlisle nodded and ran over to a cupboard.

" Her right lung has collapsed. I need to give her a dose of morphine now. " He said and made his way back to Ashley were she was struggling to breath. Her eyes looked around the room as if searching for something, her eyes then landed om Jasper. He walked over and took her hand, holding it tightly to comfort her. Carlisle injected the morphine into her arm.

" I can't wait for it to take effect. I have to release the pressure." Carlisle called as he pulled out a small scalpel. He ripped open Ashley's shirt and got some alcohol to clean the area but he pressed the blade into her skin. Ashley squeezed tighter on Jasper's hand in a bid to calm the pain. Jasper kissed her hand and placed his other hand onto her face to make sure she knew he was there. Carlisle then pushed a tube into the incision. Instantly, a rush of air flew out from her chest allowing her lungs room to breath. Ashley began to breath softly again. She looked at Jasper with relief as the morphine began to kick in. Alice smiled as she looked for Ashley's future again.

" I can see her future." She whispered to everyone.

" She is saying thank you." Edward said. Jasper smiled to her softly.

" and she has shut me out again." Edward said annoyed. Jasper just kept on smiled lovingly at her.

" Jasper why don't you take her to bed. I have finished dressing her chest so she will need to sleep now. And when she is up. She will tell us why this happened." Carlisle spoke the last part looking at Ashley. Jasper nodded and gently lifted her into his arms and carried her out Carlisle's office down to his room. Jasper pushed the door open with his foot and walked over to the bed before gently setting Ashley down on the comfy mattress. Ashley breathed deeply and closed her eyes as Jasper lay down on the other side of the bed.

" Jasper." Ashley whispered to him. He smiled and wrapped a loving arm around her, pulling her close to him.

" hmm." He moaned to lazy to speak the word 'yes'.

" Don't leave me." She whispered back to him. Jasper carefully pulled her into a hug. He kissed the top of her head and sighed.

" Not a chance." He told her with a low voice. Ashley sighed deeply before Jasper helped into a sleep by sending lethargic feelings to her. She smiled and allowed them to take over.

Ashley was bedridden for two days behind Carlisle said it was okay for her to walk. Ashley was not happy about being kept in bed but Jasper made sure she stayed. He kept her company though by playing board games, watching movies and reading books to pass time. Ashley felt herself begin to fall for Jasper the more time she spent with him. She enjoyed his company and he always made her smile

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