"We are over! We were over from the second you left!

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"We are over! We were over from the second you left!" She screamed.

"I didn't have a choice, Peggy! There were bombs on board and I had to save lives!" He watches her pace around the compound, wearing down the flooring.

"Save lives? Save lives! Don't be an idiot, Rogers. You could have easily set the plane on auto pilot to fly down and then jump out. Its as simple as saying where you were so we could find your bloody body and help rather than you being dramatic and going down with the damn plane!" She shouts. "If you really wanted there to be an us you would have fought for it."

While Carter and Roger indulge in a screaming match, everyone at the Avengers head quarters watch from afar. Romanoff, Stark, Potts, Odinson, and Danvers all keep their distance as the two argue; no one has said a word since the shouting started. 

"So how long are they gonna do this?" Carol asks "Because I don't  know how much more I can listen to." She turns towards the Avengers and then at Thor, but he just shrugs his shoulder. 

"That depends on how angry Aunt Peggy gets," Tony replies. "If Steve keeps pissing her off she's gonna kick his ass. And trust me, you won't want to miss that." He says with a smirk. The only person missing from the crowd was Daniel Sousa, the man Steve Rogers continued to ignore and keep his distance from.

Rogers knew there was something between him and Peggy, but he never knew what it was. The two were always together and never apart for more than 10 minutes; which made Steve mad with jealousy. They were always laughing and smiling and close together; never once did they argue or complain about spending too much time with the other. Ever since Steve learned Peggy was alive, he's wanted nothing more than to talk to her, but Daniel was always around. 


2 years during the days when the Avengers tore apart and Captain America, Black Widow, and Falcon became fugitives on the run, many things had begun to shift in the world. Two people who were once at peace in an endless time of rest, now walk among the people of 2019. As their worlds are brought to a new separated light, they walk along the streets in a future they didn't know. For hours they walked from different destinations and paths, making turns and stops different to the other; and yet they find each other. They bump into each other while passing by, and one glance is all it takes before the tears stream down their faces.

"Daniel..?" Her voice cracks as she reaches out towards him. He places his hands on both of her arms, holding her to make sure she was real. 

"Peggy?" She smiles and throws her arms around him; holding on for dear life. 

"Oh my darling!" They squeeze each other tight, never wanting to part. He keeps one hand in her hair and the other on her back, keeping her close. "I've missed you." She cries.

"Me too...meu amor." She chuckles at his use of his mother tongue and proceeds to press her lips against his own. 

 After 3 months they find their godson and his wife. They visited them nearly everyday to make up for lost time. For two years they lived in the modern world, finding jobs and making a new life. Tony insist on taking picture of them as momentum's, and they don't refuse. They want to make the most of their second chance.

They dance everyday and work less than before. They had the life where work was most important; now it's time to focus on them. When they think they're alone, Tony points to them and Pepper turns to watch. Peggy and Daniel have never seemed happier than they are right now. He takes out his camera and snaps a picture without them knowing. He shows it to Pepper and she laughs.

"They're good together." She says.

"Yeah, I know." He turns to look at her and wraps an arm around her waist. "Where do you think I learned it from?" Pepper smiles and kisses her husband, and then they break apart when the others come in.

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