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Cal's POV:

"The color suits you," I say as I walk into the salon to see Perseus Jackson surrounded by three butlers, who are preparing him for this evening's event. The boy stood there awkwardly in an ocean blue two-piece suit, a white dress shirt under the suit jacket, a sea-green tie, and a matching sea-green pocket square, folded in a two-point fold, sticking out of the breast pocket.

Perseus whirls around as his butlers stoop in identical bows and leave. "Your Highness," he says skeptically.

"I came to apologize, something I can't really do with an audience." I take a step towards him. His hand twitches towards his pocket, and I stop short, noting his discomfort. "I'm sorry I got you into this Perseus."

"Why would you need to apologize for that?" He asks.

"Well if I hadn't gotten you this job, then you wouldn't be caught up in this mess." He stares at me blankly, blinking a few times, like a deer in headlights.

"I still don't get why you're apologizing to me," he says. "You got me a job at the palace, something I'd been trying to do for the past month with no success. That job then got me thrown into an arena, which got me betrothed to my girlfriend. If anything, I should be thanking you."

"You're welcome?" I say. It sounds like a question.

"And," he continues. "Whatever 'mess' this is that you got me into, it's nothing compared to the mess that is my life."

"Elara isn't known to be forgiving, you could die if you make a mistake," I try to reason.

"So the usual?" he replies, his lips twitching into a crooked grin that made it look like he was up to something. "Great, I was starting to worry that this was some sort of trap."

"Wait - what?"

"Anything I should know so I don't make a huge fool of myself tonight?" Perseus asks, completely ignoring my question.

"Perseus, what-"

"Call me Percy, I hate being called Perseus."

"Percy-" I pause, deciding it best to answer his questions now and ask my own latter. "Lord Thanases Osanos is the father of Istvan Osanos. Lady Calista Nolle, his late wife, had given birth the day before she was killed, though no one knows what happened to the baby, as its body was never found. She was an extremely skilled storm, meaning she could manipulate the weather, and she had black hair and emerald green eyes. Her death happened sixteen years ago, which would make you Istvan's older half brother."

The sound of someone clearing their throat comes from behind me. I turn to see my little sister standing in the doorway, already dressed for this evening. She was wearing a long sleeve, black and red lace mermaid evening dress. Her shoes were red satin and black lace, open toe heels, with an accent bow. Her makeup was done to give her face a soft, natural glow. Her honey-blonde princess curls were pulled back in a half up half down hairdo. Resting on top of her head was a diamond and ruby tiara, denoting her position as the princess of Norta. Other than the tiara, the only jewelry that she wore was a pair of ruby owl earrings. In other words, she looked beautiful. "Cal, could you give us some alone time?" she asks.

 "Cal, could you give us some alone time?" she asks

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"Sure," I say, walking towards the door. "Just don't have too much fun."

Maven's POV:

I walk out of the training room, Evangeline and Mareena were starting another one of their petty arguments and I didn't feel like sticking around to listen to it.

Since tonight's announcement was in less than two hours, I decided to head to my room to get ready. On my way, I pass the salon that Perseus is in. I can hear Annabeth's voice from inside the room coming through the cracked door.

"Ok, but how are you going to get there?" she asks someone who I assume is Perseus.

"Beckendorf will come get me with Blackjack."

I freeze in my tracks. I haven't heard the name Beckendorf in two years. Not since my time at the war front. Not since Thomas.


Hey guys, sorry about the cliff-hanger. Well actually, no, I'm not, but it's the thought that counts right? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Midterms are next week and I am so screwed. I have no clue what's happening in AP Physics right now (somehow I still have an A+ in that class though). To those who are still on break, I envy you. I was not ready to get up at 6 am this morning.

On the bright side, I got a box of fresh-baked blue chocolate chip cookies for Christmas. They're gone now, I finished them at lunch today, but they were delicious while they lasted.

What about you guys, how was your day back to school (if you're not one of the lucky few who are still on break)? Let me know in the comments.

XOXO, HamiltonFanGirl1508

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