Part 8

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Raphael wasn't one to admit things he did wrong, so it's pretty evident by now that he believed himself when he said that he "din't do shit

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Raphael wasn't one to admit things he did wrong, so it's pretty evident by now that he believed himself when he said that he "din't do shit." He stands up and goes to the sink to wash the food off of his face. It made him livid that you had the audacity to throw food in his face. He thought there were some really nice bonding moments recently, the shell was going on? Whatever it was, he wasn't going to bother with it. There were more important things to do than dealing with a female.

He finishes his food quickly and limps to the dojo to train more. There, he found Leo learning some new things with Splinter. Raph shrugged and went on to do his own obnoxious training like usual. Leo and Splinter found it rather distracting, but they didn't really do anything about it. Raph was in his own world and they weren't going to take that from him yet.

The night was going by really slow. This didn't bother you entirely. It gave you some time to yourself to nap. A nap sounded really good after having to run for- God, who knows how long. A nap sounded great. You lay down on your bed, put on some lofi music and drift off to sleep.

It was a sunny day. Everything seemed normal. You were in a town called Rochester in the state of New York with your parents. The day was warm. There was a subtle breeze going by as there was a lake nearby. You and your parents were on a mini vacation. They called it mini since you didn't leave the state of NY.

Walking around the town, everything seemed normal. You weren't quite used to how clear the streets were. Rochester was completely different compared to the City. Nothing looked entirely modern. None of the buildings were like skyscrapers. Everything looked small until you walked in.

Your family walks into a place called Cafe Sasso. It was a neat little coffee shop. The odd thing about it though was that it wasn't modern like the ones in the city. It was kind of mismatched in there with the furniture. It wasn't like home and it kind of bugged you, but you were hungry so coming here was a good idea whether it felt like home or not.

You and your parents go up to the counter and put in the order and pay. You go sit down and wait for your dad's name to be called. Only a few minutes pass and your food and drinks are called out. Your father grabs the food and drinks and brings them over to the bar table for you and your mother. The two of you thank him and start eating.

As you're eating, you take a look outside the window. A shadow caught your eye. You tried to track it down from where you sat.  Your eyes move frantically with the shadow, yet you still couldn't tell what or who it was.  It was awfully suspicious to you.  You sigh softly and let it go.  Trying to find something with only a shadow being the guide is no use. 

You and your parents finish eating within minutes.  You exit the restaurant and suddenly the ground shakes, a vibrating crashing sound following quickly after.   You shake your head rapidly.  "I don't know about you guys, but I'm running!"  With that being said, you start running.  Your parents follow suit, but they weren't as fast.  The crashing and vicious vibrations were coming closer.  Your fear rises.  You don't believe you're going to make it alive.  You turn your head to look behind you and your parents are nowhere to be seen.  You stop in your tracks and look around.  You still couldn't see them.  Your breathing hitches as your heart starts racing.  Panic rises.  Debris was flying.  Hardened tar from the roads, concrete from the sidewalk, pieces of buildings.  It was truly an ungodly sight. 

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