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"Help me carry Kakyoin, old man." Jotaro spoke with frustration while struggling to hold Kakyoin's cold corpse over his shoulder because of his own injuries. Joseph nodded and came from behind his grandson that had just revived him and began to help carry Kakyoin's legs as Jotaro carried his torso. As they continued their trek back to one of the Speedwagon Foundation truck's, Polnareff's face morphed into a mortified look as he watched Joseph and Jotaro carry Kakyoin's lifeless pale body.

As soon as Jotaro and Joseph made it to the truck, Jotaro ordered Joseph to leave as well with the doctors too. He hoped that Kakyoin will come back to life because of draining extra dio blood into him, as he hoped, he hooked up iv tubes and found extra fluid bags that were empty and were enough to drain the rest of the blood into Kakyoin. After hooking up the fluids he sat down and watched the monitors that were used to indicate if one was alive or dead. As soon as the blood drained into Kakyoin's corpse, Jotaro unhooked the iv tubes and wrapped his torso and other wounds in bandages and waited for the monitor to turn on. He stared intensely at the monitor to hear a beeping noise coming from the monitor, he grinned a little when he heard it, he decided to leave Kakyoin alone to rest and recover.

When Jotaro made his way out of the truck, Joseph and Polnareff looked at him as the foundations doctors were fixing up Avdol and Iggy. "Is he okay?" Polnareff asked as tears pooled in his eyes. "Yes, I revived him, he's not awake yet but let him recover and rest for a few days." Jotaro said calmly as Polnareff sighed as the doctors called him over to check his wounds from fighting Vanilla Ice.

Jotaro grabbed the bill of his hat and shifted it to cast a shadow over his eyes as he sighed out his normal words, "Yare yare daze..." And walked off to see how Iggy and Avdol were doing. Joseph sat down on a nearby rock taking off his hat to brush back his hair, only wishing to see his beautiful wife and daughter after all of this. 'I hope Holly is okay' He thought to himself.  Jotaro watched the doctors work on Iggy and Avdol, Iggy was barely making any signs of life as they worked while Avdol was just passed out as they placed prosthetics on his arms since his other ones were digested by Ice's void of a stand. "How's Avdol doing?" Jotaro asked as he leans in the doorway of the trucks back. The nurse turns around and smiles at Jotaro, "He'll be okay soon, just was missing his arms and has a few scratches that need to be cared for just in case." She said as Jotaro glared at her, "Okay, thank you." Finally, a woman that didn't fan girl over Jotaro. He walked off to go and talk to Joseph, Joseph watched his grandson make his way over and put his hands into his pockets and sit next to Joseph. "Crazy night huh, Jotaro?" He said clearly overwhelmed from the whole almost being actually get put 6 feet under and having to carry a corpse.

Jotaro nodded and pulled out a cigarette, Joseph looked up at the stars. "I'm proud of you, you've grown a lot especially during this trip." He said keeping his eyes on a specific star. Jotaro nodded as a 'Thank you', soon the night had ended to were the foundation had taken them all to a nearby hotel and hospital for Kakyoin and Avdol while Iggy went to the vet, eventually almost ripping the vet's hair off after trying to inject some medicines into Iggy.

After a few days, Iggy was released back into the groups hands, and Avdol returned to them too. Kakyoin remained since he was still in critical condition and hasn't woke up yet either. Jotaro watched as the others got back together while thinking about how Kakyoin was doing. He knew Kakyoin wouldn't give up easily and would keep on fighting no matter what, he understood Kakyoin a lot since they are the same age and were close together during the trip. He sighed and went to the others to stop thinking so much about the whole situation.


Kakyoin soon woke up in a cold sweat realizing he was still alive somehow, he looked at his arms seeing them being heavily bandaged and had iv tubes. He looked around more seeing he was in a hospital room that was slightly dark, he tried to get up but stopped to only feel a sharp abdominal pain causing him to wheeze and look at his bandaged bleeding stomach. He looked at a mirror that was embedded in a wall next to him, he slowly turned his body towards it looking at his face specifically. He soon noticed a pair of fangs peeking out from his mouth, he shrugged it off as a hallucination and touched them to make sure. They were real. His eyes widened when he realized they were real fangs, he could feel them and everything.

He called one of the nurse's in to get a mask to put over his face so he can hide them better than to freak out his friends. The nurse gave him his mask and turned back to him, "Do you wanna see your friends tomorrow?" She asked as she re-bandaged him and cleaned up his wounds especially his doughnut hole of a stomach. "Huh... that's weird, some of your scar tissue and flesh is already healing itself over your stomach and scratches..." She said as she gently cleaned him. He knew why but he nodded to the other question. She looked back at him after she finished and gave him some more medicines through the iv tubes. As she did she decided to start up a conversation, "When did you get those scars on your eyes?" She asked as she grabbed another syringe. He looked at her, "A few weeks ago, I wish they had healed up better but it's okay." He said as he smiled gently under the mask. 

She smiled and finished her work and joined the other doctors and gave the group a call about what time to visit Kakyoin. Kakyoin looked out the window seeing that the sun was beginning to rise over the horizon, he wanted to paint the wonderful sight but he was afraid to face the sunlight nor had a sketchbook with paints. 

He just sat there in darkness  as the sun rose.

All alone.

Scared of what he had became.

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