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A month later, everyone returned to their families or homes to live on a normal life before something else happens, Kakyoin and Jotaro continued their schooling while Joseph went back home to Suzie Q after making sure Holly was fine. 


He sat at the edge of the school's campus underneath a tree, he carries a umbrella with him just to avoid the sun. He was having lunch while sketching, when heard someone come out from the school and make their way over to him, he knew it was Jotaro by the heavy foot steps in the grass and pavement he heard. Kakyoin looked up to be greeted by Jotaro smoking a cigarette, Jotaro bucked his head up as a 'What's up?' Kakyoin sighed, "Nothing really, just drawing and still thinking about our trip." He said looking back down at his sketchbook. "What was your favorite part of the trip?" Jotaro asked as he sat down next to Kakyoin taking his cigarette out of his mouth. "Feeding shit to a child." Kakyoin said bluntly, Jotaro made a disgusted face, "What about yours?" Kakyoin asked, Jotaro sighed, "Beating the shit out of Dio and Dan." He said putting the cigarette back into his mouth. Kakyoin nodded, and finished his sketch, Jotaro took a corner eyed glance at his sketchbook and was impressed by Kakyoin's artistic abilities. Kakyoin soon placed his sketchbook down and began to eat his food, soon some girls started to approach the two, Jotaro was already annoyed with just the sight of them. Kakyoin shrugged them off since he didn't have any interest or focus with girls, he just wanted to finish school and live a decent life. One of the girls rushed over and waved at Kakyoin while Jotaro glared at her intensely, Kakyoin had a confused face but waved back. "Hi, I'm new here, I just wanted to stop by and say I really like the color of your hair!" She said, she looked like a exchange student, specifically american her Japanese is very good too. "Oh, thank you I guess." Kakyoin said  as Jotaro clicked his tongue while pulling the brim of his hat. She soon left them alone as the others started to crowd over Jotaro ticking him off easily, Kakyoin tried shooing them off and admitted that their voices were quite annoying after a while.

After school Jotaro and Kakyoin made their way to Jotaro's house, Kakyoin wouldn't lie but Holly's cooking is very good, no wonder why Jotaro eats her food all the time. Kakyoin also convinced Jotaro to get a console to play video games, Jotaro wasn't so good but Kakyoin didn't mind. Soon after they arrived Holly instantly hug the two of them, she even considered Kakyoin as her own son too since he came over a lot. The two big boys sat down at the table as she finished the food, Jotaro leaned back in his chair while Kakyoin read a book he got out of his bag. Soon she finished and they began to eat as she made her way into her room to clean, Kakyoin and Jotaro were just silently eating, not much noise besides the clatter of silver ware and bowls. Jotaro got up from his seat as soon as he finished, throughout the quiet dinner, "I'll be in my room, knock before you come in." He said taking his hat off and placing it on the table, Kakyoin nodded to what Jotaro said. After a few minutes Kakyoin finished and placed the dirty bowls and silver ware in the sink and made his way down to Jotaro's room, he knocked with no answer, he knocked again and froze when Jotaro opened the door, Kakyoin looked at him noticing his hair was wet and he was in a white tanktop and gray sweatpants with a towel over his head indicating that he had just taken a shower. "Did I interrupt anything?" Kakyoin said, Jotaro shook his head no, "No you didn't but it was perfect timing." He said sliding the door open more for Kakyoin to come in. Kakyoin made his enterance into Jotaro's room and sat down on the floor next to Jotaro's bed, "Up for video games or wanna study?" He asked not wanting to touch anything in Jotaro's room since he wasn't the owner. Jotaro sighed in thought, "Video games I guess." He said. During the days Kakyoin had been focusing his thirst on video games so he took out the stress of no blood out on them. They played for two hours before Kakyoin had began to feel a adrenaline, he felt like he needed blood and it had to be now. Jotaro felt the strange vibes from Kakyoin in that very moment and looked over at Kakyoin, "You okay? You were just tired but now you're suddenly energized." He said as Kakyoin's eyes focused on the video game trying to not think of it but it was hard. He nodded to Jotaro indicating he's fine, Jotaro didn't buy it. "Hit pause, Kakyoin." He said in a deep tone making Kakyoin focus on him instead, "What's up, Jotaro?" He said confused. Jotaro grabbed his face with both hands and began to examine Kakyoin's face.


"Something is off." He said looking into Kakyoin's eyes seeing a slight change in them. Kakyoin gulped in fear, he didn't want Jotaro or the others to find out he was a vampire, Jotaro stared deeply until he heard his mom knocking the wood nearby the door, "I have dessert!" Holly began, Jotaro sighed and looked at Kakyoin again, "You want some?" He asked, Kakyoin nodded. Jotaro soon replied back, "We will come out soon." He said kinda annoyed, he was just interrupted from something important. They both got up and went back to the kitchen.

'Something's up with him...' He thought.

'I need to figure it out.'

'Right now.'

[Sorry it was short, school sucks ass right now.]

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