[NSFW,,] The Cherry On the Bottom?!

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8:09 A.M.


Jotaro had gotten up before Kakyoin did, he carefully moved out of the bed to avoid waking up the snoring smaller male. He walked to the bathroom and used the toilet and washed his hands rubbing the stubble still growing on his jaw line and chin, he looked at it and low key admired it, he wasn't quiet used to it much but he did enjoy having to not shave during the mornings or anything and happy Kakyoin liked it too. He walked out and went into the kitchen where Holly was.

"Oh Good morning, Honey!" Holly chimed as she finished a coffee for herself and walked over to give Jotaro a good morning kiss she had always given him throughout the many years he lived with her.  He did enjoy a good morning kiss from her but never admitted that since he was sometimes annoyed by her presence, he didn't say anything as he swiftly moved to the fridge as she followed behind to give him a kiss on the cheek. She succeeded by tiptoeing and slightly using him as a ladder to get to his face. He pulled out some milk and poured it for himself, "Yeah, morn' to you." He said in response, he finished the cup of milk and placed the glass into the sink to be washed by her or Kakyoin if he woke up sometime before she did the dishes. He sat down at the table, slight bags under his eyes. Holly had passed him some breakfast she had made, and made Kakyoin's for when he wakes up too, Jotaro begins to eat as Holly swept the floors, making some sort of coversation between the two though Jotaro wouldn't say much other than 'mhm...' 'yeah...'. She soon left the room to do more of her cleaning in the other areas of the house. He sat there quietly eating, he soon finished and placed the plate away and made his way back into his room seeing a still sleeping Kakyoin, he smirked to himself and made his way to one of the tall bookcases and found himself a book about marine animals and sat down to Kakyoin's side making the bed shift downwards to accompany Jotaro's roaring size. 

10:57 A.M.

It's been a few reading the large book filled with many facts and pictures about multiple different organisms, starting from zoo plankton to a multitude of different starfishes and jellyfishes. Kakyoin soon moved slighty and felt Jotaro's waist, he was still asleep and hugged tightly to Jotaro's waist. Jotaro looked down to see Kakyoin's arms wrapped around his lower half of his body mainly his waist, he smiled and continued to read. Kakyoin soon woke up and rubbed his eyes open, and yawned, "Morn' Noriaki." Jotaro said closing the book and turning around slighty to face Kakyoin. Kakyoin smiled at him and nodded "Morning to you, Mr.Kujo~" he said and moved himself to sit next to Jotaro. "My mom made you some breakfast, go and eat that alright?" Jotaro said smirking to his beautifully bed haired partner who had smiled full on fangs. "You sure my breakfast isn't biting into your neck?" Kakyoin said chuckling and getting out of bed and heading towards the bathroom before going to eat breakfast. Jotaro rubbed his neck after being asked that by his vampire boyfriend, 'Shit, I wouldn't mind.' He thought to himself while quietly chuckling. 

12:34 P.M.

Kakyoin had finished his breakfast and the two had their lunch not so long ago, Kakyoin started to play video games as Jotaro watched from behind him hugging him. Every level Kakyoin had passed he'd take a break and give Jotaro kisses and then returned to gaming and focusing so hard on it too that they world around him nearly didn't exist to him anymore besides Jotaro. Soon the giant man began to move out of his place when Kakyoin stopped him and paused the game, "Where are you going?" He asked putting down the controller as his scarred eyes slowly tracked his boyfriend. Jotaro looked at him right when he got up, he smirked at Kakyoin, "Don't worry, Nori, I'm just going to get something to drink." He said as Kakyoin looked a little disturbed that he had moved out the spot from behind him.

He continued his way to see Holly, "I'm leaving the house, make sure you and Noriaki take care of it okay, Honey?" She said giving him a goodbye kiss and left. Jotaro sighed and watched her exited the house before turning back to face the fridge and pull out a cola and open it to take a quick swig. He casually walked back to see Kakyoin looking slightly upset, "What's wrong, Noriaki?" He asked as he placed his pop down on a nearby dresser. Kakyoin looked over at him and sighed, "It was warm, c'monnn." He said slouching over slightly pouting, Jotaro never thought Kakyoin would ever pout. He stood there almost speechless to seeing that happen, he sat back down next to Kakyoin again, "How can I make you feel better again, Nori?" His husky voice asked the vampire. Kakyoin smirked and turned off the console, "Maybe a little bit of something something ya know?" Kakyoin said sliding himself onto Jotaro's lap with arms around Jotaro's neck, elbows resting on Jotaro's shoulders. Their faces barely were inches away as Kakyoin's eyes met Jotaros, Jotaro sat there still slightly speechless, flustered but glaring back into Kakyoin's lust filled eyes. Kakyoin started to lick his lips before kissing Jotaro passionately, Jotaro began to nibble at Kakyoin's lower lip asking for permission to invade his mouth with his tongue.

Kakyoin allowed it to happen, Jotaro felt every nook in Kakyoin's mouth, he felt Kakyoin's sharp fangs. Jotaro pulled away after a while and looked into Kakyoin's eyes, "You taste so fucking good." Jotaro said licking his lips and started to bite down on Kakyoin's nect receiving a quiet moan. He continued marking Kakyoin's neck, soon unbuttoning Kakyoin's pajama shirt and took his own off. He laid Kakyoin down onto the bed and started to admire Kakyoin's small yet very muscular build and lightly traced every detail with his hand as Kakyoin whined a little. He stopped to begin to pinch Kakyoin's nipples earning a few soft moans, he soon gave Kakyoin hickeys on his collarbones and chest. After doing so, Jotaro slithered his hand downwards to Kakyoin's pants to feel a fully erect member, even slightly touching it made Kakyoin shutter and shiver to the touch. Jotaro smirked watching Kakyoin's face turn lewd and hear his sweet vampire boyfriend beg here and there by moaning out Jotaro's name, "What is it, Noriaki?" He said leaning himself closer to Kakyoin's voice with a hand cupped around his ear, teasing Kakyoin. "Jotaro... please..." Kakyoin shuttered, Jotaro smirked, "Please what?" He said keeping his hand still on Kakyoin's dick, "Please touch me more..." Kakyoin said as his face grew a hue of red. Jotaro chuckled, taking off Kakyoin's pants leaving Kakyoin in his boxers that were of  fucking course, cherry patterned. Jotaro continued to give hickeys on Kakyoin's thighs before doing more, the hickeys were harsh. 

Jotaro soon went under Kakyoin's boxers and started to give a hand job while making out with him, he also pulled out his as well, but was stopped by Kakyoin, "Let me do it for you..." He said getting Jotaro to stop. He rested Jotaro against a wall that was next to the bed and got on top of Jotaro, he began to lower himself without preparing, "Hold up, you'll hurt-" Kakyoin shushed Jotaro right there and smirked, he put in one finger and slowly loosened up around that one, and began to lower himself feeling Jotaro's tip tease him making him gasp as he slowly lowered more feeling pleasure and slight pain. Jotaro groaned lowly as Kakyoin did, Kakyoin held onto him tightly tearing up, his nails dug into Jotaro's shoulder blades. Jotaro rested his hands on Kakyoin's hips, Kakyoin's pain went away and slowly began to bob himself up and down on Jotaro's dick hearing deep breathy moans from Jotaro, who's face was also a red tint. Kakyoin soon went a little faster for Jotaro to please his boyfriend more, watching Jotaro's eyebrows furrow while his eyes were closed, making grunts here and there as his nose scrunched up a little. It made Kakyoin go crazy for Jotaro, he started to go faster for Jotaro seeing Jotaro's head slightly fall back in the pleasure, "Am... Am I doing good...?" Kakyoin asked as his hips bobbed still, "Yeah... you are... Nori..." Jotaro responded opening his eyes, and leaning in for a kiss from Kakyoin, Kakyoin complied and leaned in too. The two made out as Kakyoin bobbed, soon going really fast after feeling a knot in his stomach from feeling Jotaro inside of him, "I'm about to-" Jotaro began but soon was interrupted by Kakyoin arching his back and his head throwing back, indicating he was going come. The two finished together and slowly laid back down in bed, Kakyoin still breathing heavily while Jotaro holds him close to his chest. As the two slept, Holly had gotten back home to make the two a small snack and cleaned the house once again.

(sorry for taking so long to write this part,,, i'm not used to writing nsfw since i've never done it before;; I'll fix it here and there soon)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2020 ⏰

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