La Pluie - P3

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Your shaking hand quickly moved to your cheek to help your body create a leaning position just as you had only a short while ago. Creating the illusion that you were watching the rain instead of eavesdropping, you could hear the two men exchanging words from only a short distance away. A different kind of nervousness washed over your body as you listened to them go back and forth. While you didn't exactly get the best look at the one who had watched you walk from the bread room to your window, his voice sounded like music to your ears. Even a light morning rain couldn't compete with the way he sounded – even if he had been slightly yelling and arguing with his friend.

"Hurry. Hand me my lute." He asked as you heard him stand from his own stool with the wooden legs pushing harshly against the floor. "I'll serenade her."

Your heart pounded at his words. While you should have known just based on his outfit, his statement instantly hit that he was bard.

"Do you want her to jump out of that window?" his friend with the deeper voice commented in a serious tone.

"I'm sorry what...what exactly are you implying, Geralt?"

Before his friend could respond, Yolanda stepped in much. While you sat with your back toward them pretending like your mind was elsewhere, she stood directly in front of them having a front row seat.

"(Y/n), is as sweet as a cherry. Just go on over and introduce yourself." She recommended, giving the man the go ahead to approach you.

In the safety of your own mind, you let out a scream trying to remain calm on the outside while panicking on the inside. For just a moment, jumping out that window and running into the woods during this rainstorm seemed like a good idea. Even if you managed to embarrass yourself by doing so, at least you would never have to face this man again.

"Okay. Okay here I go." You heard him say as he did a slight clear of his throat. "How do I look? Be brutally honest."

"You're as cute as a kitten" Yolanda told him though earning no answer from his friend. She gave him her motherly tone that she often used toward yourself that managed to give a boost of confidence.

Just as quickly as she had spoken, you heard the foot steps coming in your direction. It was now or never: jump through the window, run through the mud, head to the trees, and start a new life out in the woods.

"Well hello there." he spoke directly beside you making no mistake that he was taking to you and you alone.

The chance to escape was gone as was the time you could spend in your head talking sense into yourself and planning what your moves would be. It was time to act and actually speak knowing that whatever happened next you wouldn't be able to take back.

Your hand left your cheek as you straightened your body back to a normal position. While you still had a slight shake from nervousness to you, it was masked pretty well despite the stressfulness of the situation. Turning to look at him, you finally got a clear eyeful of his features and what exactly you were dealing with.

There had been no man in this town that looked quite like him – not even close. He was clean and well kept even giving off a surprisingly pleasant scent that managed to draw you a bit closer. His hair was perfect despite still being wet and pushed back away from his face. His jawline being defined with a clean-shaven look that gave him a soft expression against his gentle smile. His hands rubbed together seemingly nervous though he had a confident stance as he stared directly down toward you awaiting your response.

"Hello" you managed to squeak out giving him a small smile in return.

Feeling the shaking becoming a little worse, you lightly bit on your lower lip to stop the incoming tremble that would give away how nervous you truly were. In this extremely rare occurrence of meeting a person – a man no less – from out of town your body was attempting to betray you. The men in town who would sit in the tavern or who you would randomly run into while walking about never made you feel this way. Never have you felt so nervous that it was difficult to even breathe. Those shining eyes looking down on you had almost been too much to handle.

"My name is Julian Alfred Pankratz" he announced offering his rather large hand in your direction. "But everyone calls me Jaskier. May I have the absolute pleasure of having your name?"

Your eyes quickly scanned to his hand knowing he was expecting an introductory handshake. It was only common courtesy though lifting your own hand to place in his felt like the hardest task you had ever completed. With all your strength, you managed to lift a hand from your lap and placed it in his in an attempt to shake it though it appeared he had other plans. The moment you hand had been placed in his, he softly gripped on to it bringing his lips down to place a gentle kiss on your skin.

"My name is...uh." You attempted to answer him though the feeling of his lips on the back of your hand seemed to scramble your mind. Suddenly, you hadn't the fainted idea what your name was. Your eyes locked with his as he slowly removed his lips to stand back up with a proper posture.

As you stumbled with your wording, losing yourself in his eyes, you heard the quick shuffle of feet head toward where the two of you had been interacting.

"Her name is (Y/n)." Yolanda spoke up who had apparently been watching the exchange take place from behind the bar. "My apologizes for her behavior. Heavy rain like this often exhausts her."

You breathed a sigh of relief to be saved from embarrassing yourself any further. Even though you were upset that she gave Jaskier the okay to approach you out of nowhere, you had to thank her now for having your back.

"Oh of course. Allow me to personally escort you back to your home to rest." He offered bringing back that alarmingly powerful nervous feeling.

"Oh I don't..." you tried to speak out though you had been interrupted once again by Yolanda.

"She would greatly appreciate that. (Y/n), I'll cover for you." She insisted knowing full well what she was doing. As quickly as she became your savior, she became your enemy once again. "Go and rest."

Your heart dropped into the pit of your stomach as Jaskier tightened his grip on your hand bringing you to your feet and away from the safety of the stool.

To Be Continued

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