La Pluie - P4

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There was something different about the rain today. It looked the same. It smelled the same. It felt the same. But somehow it was different. The water falling from the sky tickled your skin consuming your body. The once dry clothes had appeared to cling to your body as the fabric defined every curve that there was so show. Your hair had now been in a wet mess with strands sticking to your face drenched completely. Despite all these things, it was the first time you didn't try to run to get out of the rain.

The bard's smooth hand kept a tight grip on yours as he walked closely beside you experiencing the same downpour. His silk brown hair pushed remained pushed back away from his face with the water giving a perfect view to his dazzling smile and brightened eyes. He didn't care that his clothes were soaked or that he walked on top of mud on the wet pathway. His pace slow to match yours with no sign of panic for cover. Instead he looked happy and full of life much unlike the other men in this town who remained as depressed as the scenery. It was like a dream to walk beside him. A dream that would become a fantasy to live in once you woke in your bed in the morning. But with a gentle squeeze of his hand, you knew this was no dream.

You should have been leading him to your small home that sat quietly near the tree line though he appeared to be taking the way. It was almost like he was going for a leisurely stroll around town not giving a single care to the weather or that no one else was out and about as well. Even the animals remained hidden in cover keeping their coats warm and dry while the two of you moved slowly through the run-down streets.

"I have to say you look absolutely stunning in this rain." He spoke up seemingly having his eyes on you without you even noticing. "Breath taking. A vision of beauty."

In the cool air from the wind and the never-ending rain, you could feel your body start to heat up from his sudden compliment. He had no fear with his words or seemingly his actions. He was confident with himself from the way that he spoke to the way that he walked. It was an incredible breath of fresh air being in the presence of a wall taken care of, happy man who radiated sunshine no matter what the atmosphere. Even his voice presented itself so smoothly it was capable of putting freshly collected honey to shame.

"Do you treat all the girls this way?" you quickly asked him without thinking.

From the look on his face that surely wasn't what he was expecting you to say in response to his compliments. As easy as it was to become lost in the bard's aroma, you had to remember to keep yourself grounded. His livelihood was all about presentation, appearance, and entertainment. You weren't sure where he came from or where he's been. How many girls he has slept with or if he was genuine with his words. If there was one thing you didn't want, it was to feel this way and be abandoned.

"I'm not a womanizer if that's what you're asking". He replied with a gentle laugh in his voice.

For a brief moment, you felt kind of guilty for your words though it was necessary.

"I'm not *exactly* asking that..." you told him trying to find a nicer way of confronting him. As much as you enjoyed this strange fantasy it was best to know the truth before it went too far. "I'm just not used to...this...that's all."

The words were hard to speak but for the most part true. Surely, there had been a bit of a quiver in your voice from nervousness and the chill in the air that made those words seem more unstable than meaning to. Truly, you didn't want to appear nervous and without the help of a trusted friend to guide you through this interaction you were left to find courage where it might not have existed. If Yolanda would have been on this walk back to your home, she would have known exactly the right things to say without hesitation at all but it seemed with you in control it was starting to go wrong at an alarming rate.

"I understand completely" he spoke before you were given the chance to ruin things any further. "Put your mind at ease, my dove, I'm a lover of all things romantic. I'm not here to hurt anyone."

His response was more serious than what you were expecting it to be though it somehow brought you a little comfort in your uncertainty. It was difficult to find the right decision on how to handle this situation. In your heart, you wanted to walk with him forever with his hand gripped on yours. Who knew how pleasurable it was to have your hand held so delicately by an attractive man? Though your mind was telling you to run and not take the risk of having your heart broken. Surely it would be easy just to return to the tavern the next morning and completely forget about this man and the way you felt. Right?

"Let's not go to your home yet." He continued on "Show me around your town will you?"

"You want to walk around more? In this rain?" you giggled partly in disbelief that he was more than wiling to continue on in this weather with a tour of the dreary town.

"Why not? It's just water after all." He pointed out proving further that he indeed was not from this town as only an outsider would be walking around in this downpour.

You had wondered if any of the other people living in this town saw the two of you walking about hand in hand. Anyone from here would know in an instant that Jaskier was not from around here or had ever visited before meaning this interaction would be the talk of the town.

To Be Continued

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