La Pluie -P6

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Growing up, you had always heard that time can heal anything no matter what the pain was. So why did time move so slowly when you needed it to speed up the most? With only the sound of the rain outside the window by your bed, your thoughts couldn't be drowned. It was just a small amount of time spent together. A small amount of time looking into his eyes. A small amount of time feeling his skin. But it was enough to do damage that could last a lifetime. Was it even possible to believe that after he left in the sunrise, you would feel this way again about someone else before you died?

By the time your clothes had dried along with the blankets that soaked up some water, you had no more tears left to cry. Your eyes were sore looking for relief though you couldn't seem to keep them closed. Your head ached with the feeling of coldness creeping over your body. There was no comfort to be had anywhere and no place to escape your thoughts.

When the sun went down, you couldn't find the energy to light any candles. Darkness consumed your tiny home creating the perfect resemblance for how your heart felt. No matter how hard you tried, the visual of his face refused to leave your mind. His smile was just as bright and you could still see every strand of his tossed wet hair. This was a fantasy turned into a nightmare. As you continued to stare into the darkness while laying on your side, you could have sworn you could hear the song of music beginning to compete with the song of the raindrops.

Rolling to your other side, you repositioned yourself in restlessness. Even then you could still hear the song of music growing slightly louder.

Your hands made their way to your ears as you quickly switched to lay on your stomach. The torture was becoming so great the sound of a lute being played became even louder. Your palms pressed tightly trying to make the sound go away though nothing seemed to be working.


"What the fuck?" you said quietly to yourself hearing the loud sound of a familiar male voice. In that moment you truly believed you were going crazy. It had to have been from the lack of sleep, laying in wet clothes, and being slightly dehydrated.

"Who has captured my love and my eyes
In the rain I was caught by surprise
A dove with (y/haircolor) feathers
Looking lonely in this dreary weather
Her eyes bright like the sun
Oh how I wish I could take her hand
I have a plan
To steal her away
Away from the rain
The look on her face, take away the pain
Make her a cage in my arms
Keep her safe and warm...."

Pushing your body away from the bed slowly, you listened to the song that was being performed outside of your window. Had you fallen asleep and been dreaming to hear that familiar voice singing a song so close in the pouring rain? Would you suddenly wake up to the sun in the sky still hurting and feeling worse from what could have been? Nothing in that moment made any sense though you couldn't stop yourself from walking toward the window toward that voice. Even if this was a small dream leading up to the morning, you wanted this more than anything no matter how much it would hurt later.

The hypnotic singing voice drew you closer and closer to the window until you stood directly before it looking out in the darkness. At this point, you couldn't stop even if you wanted to.

The music suddenly stopped and a small rustling was heard as your vision picked up an outline in the darkness.

"I hope you don't mind me showing up like this." It was him. "I just wanted to see you again."

"W-what?" you managed to say unsure if this was reality or if this truly was a dream.

Your body was a bit numb from laying in wet clothes and having a cold breeze blowing in through your window with no fire to keep you warm. Your hair had been mostly dry by this point had a bit of wildness to it from a lack of brushing. It was clear you weren't at your best but right now you were more concerned with trying to determine if this was real or not.

"I wanted to see your beauty again." You heard him come closer until he was right outside of the window. "If I could see you. It's awfully dark out here."

Scrambling, you backed away from the window and roamed through the dark finding a candle to light. It wasn't much but just enough to provide a small light so you could see the dream that was just outside your window standing in the rain.

As you made your way back to the window, you could see him with your own eyes. His messy wet hair and his wet clothes. Though, his smile was just as bright as the sun. His eyes sparkled as he took in the sight before him as if it was something he had been wanting for years. He didn't speak as he watched you though his expression softened like everything was suddenly right. This moment seemed to stand still in time as the two of you remained locked in each other's eyes taking in the other like it was the first time all over again.

Without speaking or giving permission, Jaskier pushed his lute through the open window before gripping the sides of the frame pulling himself inside. It was all happening so quickly that you didn't even have time to back away. He came out you without hesitation, placing his hands on both sides of your head keeping you still as his wet lips connected with yours. His lips poured lust onto yours making it quite difficult to not drop the candle onto the floor. Just as his music had done, his presence hypnotized you draining any will power that you once had.

You were in trouble in the best way possible and completely in his mercy.

To Be Continued

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2020 ⏰

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