I will follow you

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One morning at iKON's dorm.

Chanwoo: Goodmorning hyung!

Yoonhyeong: Goodmorning Chanwoo-ah.

CW: What are you cooking hyung?

YH: I am seasoning the meat for our breakfast.

CW: Ok. /yawns/

YH: Can you hand me the soysauce Chanwoo?

CW: Here it is hyung.

YH: Yaa! That's not a soysauce, its apple cider.

CW: Mianhae. /yawns/ here!

YH: Thank you, now go wash up. I think you are still dreaming.

CW: Ok. /yawns/

YH: Ahhh, wait Chanwoo, are they awake?

CW: No.

YH: What?! They have to get up! We have an early schedule. Please wake them up.

CW: They wont listen to me.

YH: Fine. Cook this meat, I'll wake them up.

CW: But...

YH: Cook the breakfast or no one will eat!

Chanwoo cooked the meat by his hyung's order.

YH: Chanwoo ah, is the breakfast done?

CW: Yes hyung.

YH: Go prepare the table so we can eat.

Chanwoo prepares the table by Yoonhyeong's order.

B.I: Uhmmm, smells good!

CW: Let's eat hyung.

B.I: NICE TIMING! I'm hungry.

CW: /grabs spoon/

B.I: Chanwoo can you hand me the ketchup?

CW: Here. /grabs spoon/

Jinhwan: My head hurts, Chanwoo can you give me coffee?

CW: Ok, what happened Jinhwan hyung?

JH: I dont know, i just have a bad headache today.

CW: Here is your coffee hyung. /sits down/

Yoonhyeong: Are you alright Jinhwan hyung? /grabs rice, started to eat/

CW: /grabs spoon/

YH: Chanwoo-yah, can you get the medicine box on our room? I think I have some for headache.

Jinhwan: Thank you Yoonhyeong.

Chanwoo looked for the medicine box back on their room.

Bobby entered the room.

Chanwoo: What are you doing here hyung?

Bobby: I'm looking for my pants. Is it here?

CW: I don't know.

BB: Help me look for it.

CW: Ok.

BB: Go and look for it, I'll just go to the CR.

CW: Ok.

Chanwoo looked for Bobby's pants.

YH: What took you so long Chanwoo?

CW: Bobby hyung asked me to look for his pants.

YH: Aish, he should learn how to arrange his clothes. Don't help him the next time.

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