Chapter One~ Meetings

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Blossoms POV

I stared out the window, hearing the soft rain hitting on the windows. My heart beat real slowly and I closed my eyes. I felt arms wrapped around my shoulders. I looked up to see Buttercup and Bubbles.

They smiled at me and I smiled back. I walked onto the bathroom and turned on the shower. I started to take off my shirt. I saw my tummy poking out. I frowned and poked at it.

"Ugly." The voice in my head said.

"No." I whrispered.

"Fatty. Nobody will ever want you." It said as I covered my ears. I screamed and fell to the cold floor.

"No! No! No!" I yelled as I pulled my long orange hair. I saw the door opemed and the docters came in. They picked me up and slip on my shirt, they had my meds on the table along with a glass of water.

I saw Bubbles hiding in the corner, as Buttercup sat on her bed. I walked over and picked up my three pills. I pop them in my mouth and the lunch bell rang.

I walked with Buttercup and Bubbles. We drop off Buttercup to her side of the lunchroom and walked to ours. We grabbed our lunch and sat at our usaul table.

Away from everyone esle, for Bubbles and I. I was never bothered here cause im the only person here with BDD. Body Disyromic Disorder.

I was disnaoed with it when I turned 13. So my parents put me in 'Greenwoods Hostipal'. I never liked the place at first. Than came Bubbles who stayed in my room in the corner. She would stare off into space then, she finally warmed up to me. Than Buttercup came along, she wouldnt eat, she has Blinge Eating Disorder.

I felt sorry for the both of them. We became protective each other. The only time we spent apart was when it came to lunch. Buttercup hates since we cant hang out with that.

I heard someone screaming. Its usaul here but I looked up. I saw three boys, one blonde hair, one black hair, one orange hair.

The black head was screaming his name wasnt Butch.

"Thats not my name!" He yelled. I flinched and saw Bubbles huddled in the corner. The blonde boy was hiding from all the yelling.

"Butch calm down." The nurse said, she the new one.

"Im not Butch! My name is Brad!" He yelled as the orange head held him down. The black hair finally settled down and went laughing.

The orange hair boy started to fix the black hair boys hair, clothles and the blondes hair, clothles. I gulped he must have OCD.

I looked at Bubbles and she whimpered.

"Lets get, Buttercup. Okay?" I said as she nodded.

"Wow shes fat." I heard a girl say. I looked at my stomach and my heart started to beat faster. I started to stumbled to the door. My heart beat faster and faster in my ribcage.

I fell and hit my head on the three boys table.

"Blossom!" I heard Bubbles yell. I felt hands all over my body. I just let them carry me away, its not the first time it happen. I closed my eyes and let the darkness take over.

Bubbles POV

I saw Blossom started to stumbled. I started to walk behind her. She trip over her feet and I tried to rush to her. She feel and hit her head.

"Blossom!" I yelled and ran after her. Nurses and docters came to ger side. I trip over someone shoe. I fell and felt people looking at me. I jumped up and felt myself not breathing.

I turned and ran back. I hit my shoulder on the door. I hissed at the pain and ran into Buttercups lunchroom. She was sitting by her self.

I ran to her and she looked at me with worried eyes.

"Whats wrong, Bubbles?" Buttercup asked.

"Blossom she fell and hit her head." I whrispered as always, but she always knew what I was saying.

"Come on." She said as she grabbed my wrist, lighty. She ran out of the lunchroom. She let go of my wrist ad heard yelling.

"Let me go!" I heard someone yelled. I looked to see the black hair boy from the lunchroom.

"Brad?" One of the nurses asked.

"Whos Brad? Im Butch." Black hair boy, Butch said.

"Okay, he stable." The docter said as let him go to the other boys.

"Docter, Gem!" Buttercup yelled and he rushed to us.

"Hows Blossom?" I asked queitly.

"Shes fine, just some sleep." Mrs. Gem said before she left to another person. I looked at Buttercup who was looking at the three boys. They came up to us, I hid behind Buttercup.

"Is she ok?" The orange head asked.

"Yeah." Buttercup said as I looked at boy with blonde hair.

"Im Brick, thats Butch or Brad or Jake, thats Boomer." The orange hair said as the blacl hair smack him upside the head.

"Im not Butch, im Brad." Butch or Brad said and stomped off.

"Hi." Boomer mumbled and chased after Butch. Brick mumbled sorry and chased after them.

Buttercups POV

I looked at the boys dispearing body. I suck in a breath and Bubbles and I walked around. I listened to Bubbles soft humming, and our footsteps.

We walked out to the roof. I closed the door and grabbed the keys, they always left for us.

I sat next to Bubbles. I brought up my knees to my chest. Bubbles laued down and closed her eyes. The soft sprickle hit us.

I heard the slam closed and I looked up to see Butch or Brad or Jake. To be honestbI really dont know, whos who. Butch seems the one in charge but Brad looks like the anger one bit whos Jake?

"Sorry." Butch said as I scooted pver for him.

"Its ok..." Leaving some space for his name.

"Im Jake." He said as he flashed a smile. His perfect white teeth showing and glowing cause of the sun.

"Im Buttercup." I said.

"Cool name. Would you be my chocolate, Buttercup?" Jake asked as I rolled my eyes. Jakes the flirt

"Nope." I said as it stated to pour. I shooked Bubbles awake who was dead asleep. I groaned and tried to pick her up. I fell down and grunted.

"Hey do you need help?" Jake asked.

"No thanks Jake." I said as tye cold rain poured harder.

"First off, im not Jake, im Butch. Second off come on." Butch said as he picked up Bubbles and grabbed my hand. He let me unlocked the door and walked me to my room.

He sat Bubbles down on the bed and tucked her in. He let me change clothes after I changed Bubbles. He layed me down in bed and tucked me in. He kissed my forehead and walked to the door.

"Sweet dreams." He whrispered in the darkness. Butch the leader and the caring one. I thought as I closed my eyes.

Why, did I write this? Well to be honest, I have BDD like Blossom. Its hard to deal with it so I wanted to put it a book form. I know other people who have the other Disorders in the book.

Does any of my readers, have disorders? Like Bipolar, or OCD. Do yall have any? If you dont wanna say just say I Have One, and no one with bother you about. Trust me, I write to express my feelings, like I have BDD and a eating disorder.

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