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The Fight

Hades P.O.V.

I couldn't help but feel uneasy about leaving Evelyn behind. Though I knew she was safe with her uncle, I still wanted her to stay with me, be around me. Her energy made me feel alive. Being on Earth meant I was weaker. My powers didn't work the same as they do in the Underworld. The overwhelming feeling continued to roam through me, and I decided to turn around and go back to the HQ. I couldn't ask her to come stay with me when she had a perfectly safe place to go to. I looked through excuses in my head and the only one I could come up with was to ask her to dinner. My heart fluttered as I got out of the car, making my way to Dorian's office. Am I nervous? I hadn't felt like that in more than a hundred years and never for a mortal. I knocked on the office door, walking in.

'Hayden. I thought you've finished your research for today?' Dorian got up from his seat with a smile.

'We did, but I thought I'd take Evelyn to dinner, before dropping her home.' I looked down to the floor, rubbing my sore neck. His face lit up with a smile and we both stared at each other in silence.

'Okay.' Dorian said as if asking me what I was waiting for.

'Where is she?' I asked looking around me.

'What do you mean? I thought she was with you.' He replied with a throaty chuckle.

'She told me she was going to wait for you and go back with you.' I crossed my arms over my chest confused.

'No, she told me that you were dropping her home on your way.' I stood frozen for a second. Why would she lie? We both stayed silent for a moment, before panic took over. 'So, where is she?!' Dorians panic set in and he grabbed his phone off the table, calling Evelyn. 'She's not picking up.' He took sharp breaths still holding the phone to his head. No. No. No! I quickly turned around and ran down to my car, getting in and driving as fast as I could across town. She asked me to go alone and I said no. She lives to defy me. I parked my car and as I looked up to Star's window a scream echoed, and I ran up to her door. I could hear voices inside, not just theirs and I softly jiggled the door handle, hoping it was open, but the door was locked. I closed my eyes, summoning my Aura and breaking through the door, walking through the dust. Seeing Evelyn on the floor, with two Titan's standing over her only filled my body with power. Her cheeks were glowing from the tears that were running from her eyes which was a rare sight for us, and it began to pull at my heart strings. Star quickly summoned her Aura and my demons began to collide with her scorpions. Within a couple strikes I had nearly defeated her. She laid on the floor, hunched over with blood dripping from her bottom lip. I was ready to finish her, but Evelyn's scream caught my attention and a much larger Titan was holding her in his arms, ready to take her away like he had nearly twenty years ago.

'Don't touch her!' I tackled the Titan with my own full body, making him let go off Evelyn and we emerged into a physical fight. He stepped back for a second, before pulling a large sword from behind him and I clenched my jaw, summoning my Aura. Seconds later, I felt the sword glide through my skin. That was all I needed, the rage to bring my full power to the surface. My demons wrapped themselves around the Titans neck, chocking him, until he snapped his fingers, disappearing into thin air. The sound of Evelyn groaning on the floor had taken over my hearing and I charged for Star as she held onto Evelyn, causing star to push Evelyn across the room. I was so preoccupied with defeating Star; I hadn't noticed that Evelyn was unconscious. I lifted Star into my arms and dropped her from above my head onto the hardwood floor. Her skin began to crack, her lifeless body losing its Aura. I couldn't get to Evelyn fast enough. I could see her slowly opening her eyes, but no matter how close I held her, or how many times I called her name, she kept falling in and out of consciousness. I had never felt my heartbeat faster. I carried her into my car and laid her down on the back three seats. I speeded off towards my penthouse and my dashboard lit up with Dorian's name on it. I contemplated ignoring it for a second, but after careful consideration I figured that he would be able to get a doctor to us as soon as possible.

'Did you find her?!' His voice was panicked. I stayed silent for a moment, exhaling a deep breath for the first time.

'I have her. I need you to send a doctor to my penthouse immediately.' I replied and I could hear his breath get caught in his throat.

'Is she okay? What happened?!'

'Dorian. A doctor. Now! I'll be there in 5 minutes; they need to be there in 10.' I replied and hung up the phone. The ride home felt like hours and as we approached my drive through, I could see Evelyn in the back, slowly awaking again.

'We're here. You're okay. I'm here.' I tried to reassure her, extending my hand to lay on top of her, but within seconds she was out again. I stopped the car and lifted her off the seat, carrying her inside. I laid her down in my bed and awaited the doctor. I attended to as many of her injuries as I could, but my healing was weak. I couldn't fix any of her major injuries. I never felt so useless. I held her small hand in mine as I-awaited Dorian and the doctor.


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