One Screw Loose

145 7 4

-Left Us Falling-

Sometimes, I bully myself so much that I cry.

Always, I cry alone because no one hears me.

Forever, I waste my hours away thinking of what could be.

At times, I think so deeply that I think myself to sleep.

Frequently, I can't sleep at night because of nightmares.

Most times, my nightmares are really my dreams.

Usually, my dreams are what scare me the most.

Oft, I force myself awake because my dreams are frightening.

Normally, I awake with tears in my eyes.

Oftentimes, my tears come when they shouldn't.

Ordinarily, my tears won't come when they should.

Commonly, I cry when I think of myself.

Sometimes, I am what scares me the most.

Verde almost freaked Reborn out—often, really. He was so in love with his work that is was hard to watch. Well, Reborn could relate slightly—he loved his job too, being the sadist that he is, but...this?

"I'm so glad." Verde cried out as he hugged the large, metallic tube to his chest, tears streaming down his face. "So, so, so, so glad!" This was slightly out of character for even Verde.

Sagi was clutching the trim of Reborn's suit jacket, giggling so hard that Reborn thought the child might pass out from lack of oxygen.

"Verde, let's go back to the lab, why not?" Fon reasoned with the wailing scientist, leading him out of the room. He looked back before they exited to order one of the other scientists to bring the snake-like invention along with them to the labs.

Reborn looked over to where Leon and Natsu were huddled. "Sagi, the Nono wished to speak with us."

The orange hooded head popped up and turned toward his voice. Reborn was smirking again, as everyone else was still slightly slack-jawed, glancing over in the tiny child's direction. "Sagi is coming, Mr. Reborn. Can Sagi bring Mr. Fire-Lion?"

"Yes, bring Natsu along. Where is Leon?"

"Mr. Gun-Lizard is here~" The child held the green chameleon to his chest. Leon slithered out of his arms and settled snugly on top of Sagi's head. Sagi followed after Reborn as he walked out of the room, holding Natsu to his chest like a teddy bear.

They entered Timoteo's office, and the Ninth boss sat behind the desk. Iemitsu stood off to the side along with Reborn, while Sagi immediately climbed into the left of the two chairs that sat before the Nono, toting Natsu along with him. The cub only purred. Leon narrowed his eyes, and Reborn swore he saw the little chameleon smile.

Nono eyes Sagi, then let out a long, pent-up sigh before beginning to speak. "Sagi, we have a job for you."

"Sagi knows."

Iemitsu raised an eyebrow at Reborn, who shrugged as Nono continued. "The Vongola Sky ring has gone missing. We... Er, we believe it has been stolen." Timoteo appeared to feel awkward about speaking to Sagi as just another employed thief. Reborn understood.

"Sagi knows this, too." Sagi mused, tilting his head to the right a little and putting a finger to his lips thoughtfully.

Nono shifted in his seat before deciding to get it over with. "We've decided to hire you for the job." He told the tiny child.

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