[1] What do you love most about writing?

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What do you love most about writing?

Emmiie: The Escape

The escape, definitely, because when you write you enter a world you've created. You can be anywhere, anyone, and just get a break from reality...which I must admit is nice sometimes. Actually, in some ways, I think writing is similar to meditation – at least in the sense of finding that inner peace. 

In all honestly, I’d prefer to write than to do anything else in the world, even watch television—and that’s saying something! I love making up the characters, writing character profiles, and heck even making book covers and jotting down a story outline (not that I ever follow it, haha). Its fun, I have fun writing, and it’s a part of me that nothing else could satisfy or replace.

If I go even a few days without writing, I miss it like crazy, and picture myself writing in my head (as weird as that sounds), but idea’s pop into my mind and if I don’t write them down, they just build up, and really I think that putting those ideas onto paper is the only way to free me of them.

There’s something about writing that draws me in, something that I couldn’t escape if I tried. It’s my passion. 

Vicky_nfs:  The Power, Freedom and Appreciation.

I love writing because I get to decide what happens. There’s no need to beg out loud for something to happen –or not to happen. A book has been written already and the author won’t be able to change what he or she wanted to happen. And when you write, you’re in control of what happens. In real life I like to have everything under control, so writing is the perfect way to get that feeling.

Another fact I love when I’m writing, is the feeling of being someone else. I like to imagine that I’m the main character, from whose point of view I’m writing the story. You get to say or do things you want to do in real life, or things you could never be able to get yourself to do. You can let your imagination run wild, there are no limits nor are there rules or boundaries , you can do whatever you want.

One more aspect I love about writing is the fact that –by uploading to Wattpad – other people can enjoy your crazy trail of thoughts. It’s absolutely nice to know that other people love the way you think. And to have it written down – or as a file on my laptop or uploaded to Wattpad – just makes it even more fun. Being able to re-read what you wrote a while back can be interesting, confronting and/or funny. It’s nice to see how your first couple of lines has turned into a real story, and that your characters have come to live a ‘real’ life.

Leigh19: The  Creativity and Control.

In real life you don't have much control over the environment you're put into , the people you're surrounded by - it's all limitted. Some people are scared of saying what they think or feel in real life but when you write you can "unleash the terror".

When you write you have total control over what happens. Everything that happens is just a chain reaction of your thoughts and your ideas. It's sort of like playing God. You decide where the story takes place and who you want to put into a story, if there's a character you just don't like you can change them or scrap them altogether.

Molding a peice of your writing into something that's completely and utterly yours.

The creativity allows you to use anything no matter how taboo or wild and unrealistic as you want. If you want to write a story about giant pink polka dotted elephants that fly , YOU CAN DO IT.

What's more awesome than that? To close your eyes and think of the endless possibilites and unlimitted directions are what inspires me to think outside the box.

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