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in illusion city, there's a small treehouse.

small, but sturdy.

sturdy enough to comfortably hold eight boys, who are currently watching movies and munching on popcorn.

inside the treehouse, an assortment of sickly candy, sugary snacks and people litter the oak floor. the eight boys are huddled close together, bodies piled upon each other, finding comfort in each other's company.

they lay stomach down, none of them really paying any attention to the blaring laptop screen showcasing a cheesy horror movie.

"who's idea was it to watch this film? there's no way this should be called a horror film."
"the only good horror movies are the scary ones, and you know mingi gets scared too easily," the eldest, park seonghwa, scolds.

after all of them agreeing the movie was a waste of the laptop's battery, jeong yunho, the owner of the treehouse, puts on some music, and they all chat amongst themselves, joking and laughing together.

outside, the electric telephone wires buzz. the crickets chirp. the owls hoot. the city stalls.

"yah, it's 10pm already? my halmoni's gonna kill me!" song mingi exclaims. time seemed relative when they hung out in the treehouse; the clock runs too quickly for them.

"we should head off too. it's getting dark already," choi san says, looping an arm around his younger brother, choi jongho. indeed, the sun outside had bid it's farewells long ago, and the rising moon urges the eight boys to go home.

"wooyoung-ah, do you want to take the bus together?" kang yeosang says quietly into one boy's ear.

jung wooyoung has been awfully quiet this evening.

the two best friends help each other down the rope ladder as the others pile down after them, each of them leaving the treehouse except for yunho.

"it's okay, sangie, i think my mom's picking me up in a bit," wooyoung reassures, patting yeosang's arm whilst telling him to get home safely.

their exchanged goodbyes ring clearly through the midnight blue scenery. stars twinkle from above, intent on guiding them home safely.

yunho oversees his friends from above in the safety of his treehouse, watching them separate and head their different ways. he hums quietly to himself and shuts the trapdoor.

welcome to illusion city!

population: 9

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