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"security alert! code red! i repeat, code red!"

"there's been an escape? from which ward?"

"the schizophrenia ward, a band-red patient- he's highly dangerous."

"jung wooyoung? oh my god, we're fucking doomed."

"breaking news: a patient from the infamous aurora mental institution has escaped high breaches of security and is on the loose- a search party has been sent out for a sixteen year old boy, jung wooyoung . police say they have reason to believe he is the responsible for the murders of three boys earlier this evening, but the number of total killings is unconfirmed. aurora mental institution have released an official statement to citizens in seoul to stay indoors and limit contact with anyone other than family. jung wooyoung was diagnosed with severe schizophrenia at just nine years of age. may we exaggerate, this boy is highly dangerous and most likely armed."

"jung wooyoung? our wooyoungie?"

"oh god, that's our boy. we should have visited him more, we should have helped him more instead of leaving him to rot alone in that mental asylum!"

"breaking news: after two days of extensive investigation, police found the bodies of seven boys from different neighbourhoods in seoul. after thorough interrogation with family, police have no reason to believe the boys knew each other at all, let alone personally know their killer, sixteen year old jung wooyoung. parents say that all the boys had nothing in connection and all attended different schools. our seoul reporter is at the scene of where the murderer's body was found:"

"after an hour of frantic searching for one boy, police and SWAT finally found the body of jung wooyoung, holding nothing but a small hand knife in his chest. police believe his death to be a suicide, but will wait further for a full forensic examination of the weapon. he was found alone in an empty street just outside his last murder, where he shot sixteen year old song mingi."

"mr and mrs jung? this is the FBI on behalf of the jung wooyoung case?"

"in his room at the institution, nurses found some... rather disturbing drawings that give us further insight on why he carried out those murders."

"the drawings include depictions of eight boys and a treehouse, which we know belonged to a boy named jeong yunho, one of the victims. wooyoung drew them all as best friends, all living in the same area. but as none of the figures in the drawings are labelled with names, we can confirm the murders wooyoung carried out weren't specifically targeted at anybody in particular, and it just so happened that wooyoung killed those seven boys."

"in the records aurora mental institution have given us, it's stated that wooyoung would often stare into space and become unresponsive. he was tested for catatonic symptoms which some schizophrenic patients have, but they believed he was just daydreaming. this started happened around a year ago, so we think that this is when he perhaps made up his illusion."

"wooyoung's mental state seemed to be steadily improving up until that point- he was responsive with his treatment and therapy. but he then suddenly became closed in on himself, not speaking to any of the nurses and would lash out when anybody tried to interrupt his daydreaming sessions. this is why he was recorded as a 'red-band' patient- the colour meaning he was highly dangerous and extremely violent."

"when he was first admitted into the institute at ten years old, wooyoung told his therapists he was lonely. on the record, it says it suggests he never really had many friends and was often left out. this links his delusional world he created to rooted emotional trauma that hindered his progress in recovery and thus lead to the events within that day."

"he killed nine people in total- seven teenage boys, one bus driver, and the grandmother of one of the other victim's. however, the latter two victims seemed to just be at the wrong place and the wrong time, and wooyoung didn't actually have a motive to kill them. but the seven boys were always drawn with smiles and in positive scenarios at that treehouse, so we see no reason as to why he actually killed them. it's a puzzling case, but i guess we'll never know the reason. at least he's in a better place now."

"today marks the one-year anniversary of the jung wooyoung case, where a sixteen year old schizophrenia patient escaped a high-security mental institute and killed seven teenage boys in various ways. after many theories and public speculation, psychologists can assume that mr jung murdered these boys unwillingly, lead by a voice/voices he heard that are common symptoms of schizophrenia. in drawings found in his isolated room, police found crayon images of a black silhouette that psychologists can infer is what wooyoung must've imagined to be the convict on that tragic night. although we cannot excuse the teenager of his crimes, we can provide context and reasoning for what he did and why he did it- scientists believe wooyoung himself didn't remember committing manslaughter, and will most likely have blanked out during the events. therefore, jung wooyoung would not have remembered those crimes, and did not willingly commit suicide; the silhouette wooyoung depicts was his enemy, and the person behind it all."


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