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it's now half-past ten, according to the clock hanging in yunho's treehouse. he lazily flicks through video games with dissatisfaction, finally picking a gruesome zombie game that's as scary as the cheesy film he'd watched with his friends a couple hours ago.

the treehouse he sat in was the jeong family's pride and joy; the treasure buried at the back of their house, if you will. it had been built for yunho and his younger brother when they were both children, and had been adapted over the years. for example, the most recent addition had been the mini-fridge that stocked icy sodas (and sometimes a couple cans of beer). electricity had been added a few years back, since the idea of using candles as a light source in a wooden hut was a risk nobody was willing to take.

he even had a wifi connection, which he was now using to shoot brainless zombies. yunho's eyes were glazed with concentration and the flashing lights that emitted from the screen. scarlet splattered the screen everytime he won a headshot kill (modestly, yunho admits he's a pro at all video games).

a ping! from his phone beside him finally makes yunho peel his tired eyes away from the television and move his strained neck. he peers down at the message he receives.

mom <3:
i'm home! come down please xx

ah, his cue to leave the treehouse. he's spent a whole day in here, thanks to the lazy summer nights that stretch a few more hours than necessary.

he looks back up to the screen and unpauses.


a dull, aching thud echoes throughout the wooden room. the screen glitches from a foreign object cutting through it's wires.

a knife, covered in cloying blood is lodged into the wall, leaving a large hole in the screen.

well, the knife went through the zombie's head, yunho thinks weakly, and his neck snaps back.

the knife seems to have gone through his own head, too.

his death is quick, but not painless. the sharp, agonising pain at the back of his head burns like a wildfire, but numbs pretty quickly from the bloodloss.

the numbness feels empty, a feeling bright and cheerful yunho has never felt before. for a few moments, he's just a body, nothing more- still alive, but feeling nothing. the knife that had flown through his brain left a hole through his head that spilled out incoherent thoughts and so, so much blood.

his limbs twitch and convulse, and then become limp; he's paralysed.

his eyes cloud over with mist. his friends had always envied his bright eyes that held so much life and happiness in them.

and now, they were pale and ugly and dead.

he could hear the droplets of blood from his skull dripping onto the wooden floor; it's the only thing he hears, until it stops. realisation fills yunho as his face pales much more quicker; the blood is now flowing out of his head, weaving a scarlet carpet onto the oak floor. he was dying so quickly.

he's not sure what happens after that. he doesn't know when he dies. he's not aware of anything anymore. his mom messages him again, a bit more urgently this time.

the boy behind the treehouse relishes in his work, marvelling his accuracy.


welcome to illusion city!

population: 6

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