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schizophrenia is a mental health condition where you may see, hear or believe things that are not real.

symptoms of schizophrenia include hearing voices or seeing things that are not real, unusual beliefs and confused thinking.

*to clarify, within this is story, my intent is not to glorify or glamorise mental illnesses or schizophrenia in any way.


// and that concludes the end of treehouse! if you're still confused, basically illusion city is the a world wooyoung has made up due to his schizophrenia, hence the small population count. the 'city' started with nine people- ateez and the 'killer'. however, the killer was wooyoung, but he had made up the killer to be a separate person. that's why at the end, when wooyoung dies, the population count goes from two to zero (the killer is part of wooyoung's imagination, but wooyoung did the murders, if this makes sense haha). also, it's why the deaths of the bus driver and mingi's halmoni didn't get counted in the population count- they weren't a part of wooyoung's made up world.

[edit: ] just to clarify, since wooyoung doesn't know the seven boys and technically, they turn out to not be the ateez we know, situations like yeosang dialling wooyoung and wooyoung and mingi's conversations didn't happen, along with the treehouse gathering in the first chapter- they're what wooyoung thinks happens (although this isn't told from his perspective). i know that makes like zero sense lmao oops, but basically that stuff didn't happen!!

i guess i kinda just hope you guys got it in the end? i'd hate for you guys to still be left hanging!! i know there were a few plotholes but shhhh. also all of this is written at 1am and not proofread, my bad. :0

if you have any questions, dm me/comment here and i'll answer them!!

thank you for reading this and sticking through to the end!! this is the first book i've ever completed and all your comments mean the world to me!! please stay tuned to more ateez fics in the future!! <3

[edit: thank you for all the support and praise on this fic!! it truly means so much to me 🥺 i have a couple books published which i'd really recommend checking out, all ateez related!! thank you and if you're reading this, take care :)]

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