See You Soon (Part II)

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Note: The normal font is what actually is happening, the bold one is the speech itself, and the italicized is flashback. Sorry it's so hassle to format it if wattpad could just allow us to adjust the margin haha


Few years ago, I stumbled upon this very profound line in one of my favorite tv shows- "The Good Place" and it says "If soul mates do exist, they are not found. They are made. People meet, they get a good feeling, and then they get to work building a relationship". I know this sounds mushy and I am also aware that some of you aren't believer of 'soul mates' but I think I found mine years ago in Moro Lorenzo Sports Clinic.

At a glance, one can deduct that Thirdy and I aren't gonna click- even as friends. We are each other's opposite. While the cliché says "opposites attract", we all know that it is not really smooth in real life. The more I talked to him and spent time with him, the more I understood or appreciated the things that he likes and vice versa.

I used to hate car rides with him because he's always blasting hype-beast music that's giving me headache. But I grew liking it- tolerating it rather. I used to like staying at home while he's the 'let's eat out' type but it became us, enjoying a delivery food or cooking at home as a type of hang out. Strange thing is no matter how different we were to each other, we still ended up choosing to spend time with other a lot. I found comfort in him, that whenever everything's too noisy and chaotic for me in Ateneo I always long to see him even for 5 minutes inside his car or mine we'd just sit there not talking or like eat the sweets his fans gave him then I'd feel so much better.

We're each other's confidant, we didn't know how it happened it's just one day we realized that we tell each other anything that we want to say- a lot of it were stuff we weren't comfortable sharing to others. We could talk for hours about our goals and aspirations and never run out of things to say.

We both know that deep down we love each other romantically and everything is just not platonic, but timing is a huge pain in our asses. We swear in 2018 we both thought that we could be together once we're done with college, but a lot of things changed in our last year. We dated different people; we could have dated each other during that time but we chose different path to take which still confuses me up until now by the way. It became more complicated because after his UAAP he was planning to move miles away to follow his passion.

So we had "the talk". It was in La Union, during Christmas season, we went there initially with our respective barkada but we ended up hanging out with each other that one night.

"Okay dad, I won't forget. Yeah I'll be careful, good night dad! Love You!" I said as I ended the call. My dad called me at midnight just to remind me that I had to drop by Tarlac tomorrow. I put my phone in my back pocket nahirapan pa ako because my drunk ass can't find the damn pocket.

As I was walking back to my friends who are in flotsam, I felt the Cuervo really kicking in. My head is throbbing, and I found it hard to focus on the pavement ahead of me. I was focusing on the people that I might bumped into that I didn't notice a rock that made me lose my balance. I was ready to hit the pavement, but someone grabbed me.

"Watch it Miss" the man said. His voice sounded familiar that's why I tried my best to look back.

"Thirds!!" I said quite loudly. Shocked that he's here and amused that his timing is right.

Thirdy just shook his head while grinning and said "drunkard"

I was about to protest when I almost hit someone luckily, he was too quick to move me away from the crowd.

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