School Surprise

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We are nearing Christmas break and we are doing a charity concert in honour of our idols and to raise money to give people the privilege to have what we have and be in fandoms and have a chance of meeting their idols. Of course the principal put me in charge, so I had to put posters up and sign up sheets for anyone wanting to audition to be in the concert and then once I have done I must arrange auditions and decide on who will be in the show. Of course I am going to be the host and also I'm going to sing as well but also give others a chance too.

Now that I have done all that and auditions are done.... finally that was exhausting. Also the study groups I've been doing is coming along splendid. People are taking it seriously and got their grades up along with some private tutoring to the ones that require more help. The principal has an a award for me, but I don't know what to expect. A medal? A certificate? A trophy? I don't know what he could have in his mind?

Also I wonder when I will receive it.........

Fast forward to the concert. Everyone is prepared and I'm ready to open the concert. I decide to dress up to look professional. I decide to wear this black off the shoulder jumpsuit. I walk out with my hair like this, below:

 I walk out with my hair like this, below:

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I walk out with some nice black simple heels to go with it and open the concert

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I walk out with some nice black simple heels to go with it and open the concert. "Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our Christmas charity concert."
Audience: *claps.*
" first up is Nicole Smith singing a song in honour of one of her idols which is Little Mix. So everyone put your hands together for Nicole." *I walk off and wait at the sidelines.*

*Nicole walks on stage.* "Hello everyone. I just want to thank Chloe for that introduction there. I'm going to be singing a Little Mix this is The Cure by Little Mix.  Hope you guys enjoy and don't forget to donate." *sings the song then takes a bow.*
"Thank you, now back to Chloe." *walks off the stage.*

*I walk back on stage.* " One more time for Nicole!"
Audience: *claps.*
"The next singer is actually me as I not only wanted to be part of the show but I was also put in charge of it. So I only felt as I should be a part as well and do my part for charity. So I'm going to singing a song by one of most favourite bands called Roadtrip and this is Take This Home. Hope you guys enjoy." *sings the song then takes a bow.*
Audience: * whistles and claps.*
"Thank you guys now, next up is a duo of two girls that going to sing an Ariana Grande song, so give it up for Faye & Maria." *I walk off stage and wait by the side.*

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