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Deku p.o.v

"Home doesnt have that feeling of calm anymore... i feel weak on my own... but its better then risking another persons death by being with others...
"Im back huh..."

I said as i looked around the black void, this area was becoming more and more evident along with more details the longer i was there... why... wait... is it...

"Hello~ how has fighting me off been treating you as of recent~"

All i did was glare at him.. should i say me or him? I didn't really know. He smirked and then sighed.

"Thats what im wanting to see~ seems more of me is in you now~ you know~"

"Shut it. I dont want your offers. All your doing is causing misery for me and anyone i actually care about. How did you even come to be?"

He grinned evilly and then sat down, he sat with one leg over the other and then looked me dead in the eyes with his dark purple and red orbs in his sockets.

"Tell you what~ i have an offer which would suit you more then me~ your gonna be here a while so why not at least listen to your fabulous counter part~"

I tutted and then slowly nodded, knowing him i was gonna guess he was up to something but i couldn't exactly do anything else so why not.

"Im so glad you understand~ so here is my offer~ i will answer any of your questions and release the rest of my power~ you wont have to worry about losing control then and killing anyone that you dont want to~, all you have to do is sign this contract under our name~"

Then a piece of paper appeared in one of his hands with a pen in mine, he held out the contract and smiled.

"And you aren't lying are you?"

"No, i mean everything i say, you will be given the rest of the answers by me, my power will be released and you wont loose control."

"I honestly dont sense any dishonesty in you... fine."

I move the pen to the contract and signed it under izuku midoriya.

"Perfect~ now~ have fun~ any questions can be asked in a moment."

"Im... back... home...?"

I was on the bed wondering what just happened... was this just a dream... no... there was more black mist coming off me... and then... it just stopped...

Unbelievable pain then filled my whole body as i yelled from the top of my lungs, i had never felt pain this bad before. Then whilst i was still feeling the pain i was in the black void with a tv screen in front of me showing everything from my eyes?

I tried to move but i couldn't... i was handcuffed to a chair being forced to watch...

"Hello weaker me~ the contract has been signed~ any questions for me?"

"Loads. First off why am i handcuffed to this chair?"

"Thats simple~ its to stop you from not watching, you now have to."

"Watching what?"

"Me controlling your body permanently."

I looked at him shocked... he now had my body taken over!

"How!? I never let you?"

"You did~ you signed the contract~ let me explain. The contract said i was going to release my power~ that meant all my power would overwhelm you and take over your body allowing me to take over~ had i been weaker then you then you would have resisted it. I now have my immense power to do what i want how i want with all my power... in YOUR body! This way we can actually become an evil overlord, you could take control of japan and probably even the world~ you could overthrow all for one and take the league of villains... well i say you but its gonna be me~ it doesn't matter what you want cause ima do what i wish."

"Wait... you said i wont loose control again... is this what you meant?"

"How smart~ yep it is~ now it is my power so i will have full control over it~ remember when you joined bodies with shigaraki~ this is more powerful then that~ thats How strong i am~ good luck ever having control back~ though look at it like this... now your dreams of being a villain will be true! Your friends however..."

He then left the room, i screamed out for him and looked at the tv, he waved at me... im guessing it was to taunt me...

"Please... someone stop him..."

Heya! Sorry if this is confusing anyone, basically one of dekus new quirks made a new one of him inside of himself which is evil and VERY powerful, it will be explained more detail later

795 words

Die like a villain. Villain Deku x Todoroki (Under Maintenance) Where stories live. Discover now