Chapter 1

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Take a Cautious Breath.

Don't make eye contact, don't even dare to raise your head to see if they're looking at you.

Like they always are.

You know they're looking at you.

Judging you.

Wanting to understand you.

I want you to realize that they are trying to understand you like you are desperately trying to understand yourself.

Don't worry they'll never figure you out. How can they? You're not even the image you attempt to be.

Making a left turn I joined the guided line that was being formed by one of the many security guards.

He was pale, with red hair. I've seen him around of course, all over. Kind of resembled a man in the show Power, that was aired in 2014. I remember my mom use to watch the show before she and my father passed of course.

In 2026, the world "ended." Blew up, and left no one on Earth.

Except us.

Climate change, all human activities that were threatening the natural way things were supposed to go, finally caught up with humans.

Humans were truly the best, and worst creatures on the planet.

Now it's 2031, the world was recovering, and "we" were the only ones on the world since. It was a "miracle".

Miracle. A simple word. A word that I wouldn't dare mutter, knowing I would be killed.

According to Administration, we were all here because of the resources they provided for us.

That was completely false if you ask me. They made it seem like they were heroes but last time I checked hero's help the world not destroy it.

But what do I know?

Walking into the Heart, we filled in the seats.

Our white outfits matched the white interior of the Heart, which was the center of the organization. All speeches, rituals, and ceremonial dances happened here.

Every Wednesday and Sunday we would get a break from working our ten-hour shifts, at work

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Every Wednesday and Sunday we would get a break from working our ten-hour shifts, at work.I guess this would be considered our relief where we unwind, and "celebrate" with one another.

                                                                                                                                                                                             Those two days we did the same thing, listen to, a speech from-

"Good Morning. Please lower your voices, and get settled!" Mujer Diablo spoke.

On command, the conversation's ended and the stillness in the room created an uncomfortable atmosphere. Everyone stiffened up staring at Lady Diablo's eyes. It was seen as disrespect if she felt like she wasn't given our full attention, the punishment was ten lashes with a wire whip.

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